
Does being blonde Make you stupid??

by  |  earlier

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i mean sure the jokes and the stereotypes

but someone just told me that it's scientifically proven that being blond means you have less brain cells than other people

it pissed me off alittle because i know i'm an intelligent young girl and the color of my hair shouldn't mean jack s***

enlighten me




  1. no; blondes are only stupid when they choose to follow the stereotype- which a lot of them do unfortunately

  2. Hitler says otherwise. lol

    No it's not true, blonds are not dumber than everyone else. That is one person who told you that it is scientifically proven, so it's a unreliable source.  

  3. hmmm looks like someone opened up Pandora's box on this one .

    Even if that was true , it would not be true for everyone . Your brain is like a muscle , the more you use it the better it works , if you don't use it , it waste away to a point .

    That was someone just wanting to get you goat , and get a rise out of you , and it looks like they were successfully in getting your goat , and and few chickens to boot .

    Don't be so easy to let people upset you , because they can only upset you if you let them .  

  4. well if you find the scientist that proved that-they pro bally wish they were blond!

    the people that think blonds are stupid are the only stupid ones hon!

    its like saying all g*y men are fem, or all black people play basketball its just there stupidity.

  5. Being stupid makes you stupid. ~*~

  6. Of coarse not most blondes are smart they may act dumb sometimes but who doesn't trust me a bunch of people from my school are blondes that are in honor classes for smart people :D

  7. no being stupid makes u blonde hahaa of course not that person just wanted to find out how gullible u are and it looks like they did...

  8. lol no it doesn't mean your stupid, but its funny that you actually believed what that person said about less brain cells.  

  9. They told you that and you fell for it. But typically no, blondes aren't any less intelligent than anyone else, despite the blonde jokes.

  10. no it doesn't, asking this question does being white make you rich or being black make you a thief..come one now!!!

  11. We don't know the quantity of your brain cells.

  12. No girls who dye their hair blonde are stupid. Some of the smartest girls ive ever known have had blonde hair. Anyways finland a country almost all blonde gets the highest test scores in the world and they barely even study.  

  13. No but asking this question does! lol

    Seriously, why/how would a hair colour change your intelligence???

  14. That person is just immature and stereotypical.

    I'm very blonde, and I'm on scholarship at Eastern Michigan University.

    I graduated High-school at 16.

  15. As a natural blond I have to say...that statement offends me.  There is no such proof, and given my 3.85 average in school, I think a person would be hard pressed to come up with said "scientific" proof : )

  16. no I have plenty of blond intelligent friends

  17. wow, where did you heard that? whoever told you that must has less brain cells in his or her brain because that is not true at all.  

  18. no. cause i have a lot of friends whom are blonde and their athletics and very smart in school.

    iot's just sterotypes of some other girls that are dumb thinkers at times and they happen to have blonde hair...

    question: Have you change your blinker fluid for your car yet?


  19. I don't know how that it could make you stupid. I have never heard such a thing. One has to wonder why you are asking this question though.

  20. Of course the color of your hair shouldn't mean ****, because it doesn't.

  21. Whoever told you that is a moron and doesn't have many brain cells. And I am sorry, but if you felt the need to ask this in the first place, I have to wonder how many you really have? If you don't want to be thought a moron, don't open the mouth and prove it.

    Where you posted this question should make people wonder what the heck is up with you? If you don't want to appear stupid, don't act as if you are. It's not a blonde thing. It's a brain thing. And obviously you are lacking some intelligence.

  22. ok so first i'm sorry but how is this under the category of g**s and lesbians? Second. NO the smartest person in our school has blond hair AND if it makes you feel any better she is about to learn her THIRD language. Also I'm the second smartest and i just recently became a brunette.

  23. That's a load of bs about it being scientifically prooven

    it's just stereotypes and generalisation about blonde's being dumb by a bunch of dumb close minded people

  24. the number of brain cells does not determine how smart someone is, I know some intelligent alcoholics, wonder how many brain cells they have left... plus I don't think that's true haha.

  25. the color of your hair doesn't have any effect on your IQ.

    don't you know you shouldn't believe everything you hear?

  26. whoever told you that was a dumb *** i mean you guys get a bad rep but its totally undeserved and absolutely un-proven that you have genetically any less intelligence than any other hair color you shoùld stick up for your fellow blondies and tell that idiot to kiss your *** haha and this is coming from a brunette.  

  27. It's just a stereotype....that's so stupid! I know alot of blonde people and they are all smart. They may be like really goofy but the color of your hair means nothing about your brain cells.

    p.s - i bet you are very smart =)

  28. If your hair is blonde and you believed that, you just made it true. The color of your hair has nothing to do with your intelligence. Especially when most girls are blonde and stupid, their hair isn't naturally that color.  

  29. Wait, that's false advertisement if your avatar has black hair!

  30. No, the color of your hair doesn't effect your intelligence. the only way I can think of that will make hair color effect ones intelligence is that if you tell a young child [girl or boy with blonde hair] that people with blonde hair are less intelligent, they will stop trying as hard as people with a different hair color. This is because the expectations of the blond girl and/or boy are lowered making their willingness to study and become more intelligent lower as well.

  31. Apparently girls with black hair are stupid, because you asked such a dumb question just now.

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