
Does chronic have cocaine in it?

by  |  earlier

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i live in california and sum of my family members live in georgia...... they told me that chronic has a small amount of cocaine in it but i asked the ppl down here and they said that it doesnt..... it could be that georgia chronic has it and cali chronic doesnt.......... but plz if anyone really knows if it does or doesnt have cocaine in it plz tell me cuz i really would like to know!!!! thank you!!!!!!!




  1. nope, chronic does not have blow in it, unless someone crossbred the maryjane plant with the coca plant, which is possible but not likely, and even then the hybrid might not work, so i seriously doubt it.  in the 70's people sprinkled blow on their joints and called that a primo.   cali has the best chronic hands down, no one even comes close, no one, not georgia, not india, not bc, the only thing better would be zero G hydro, but for that you'd need to be in orbit literally.

  2. no it doesn't.

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