
Does comet 2012 really exist?

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hi I ve been listening to the music on youtube the other day and i saw a comet 2012 advertisement. This comet 2012 aka planet Nabiru is part of our solar system or so they say. Is there any truth in this?




  1. Short: No.

    A comet can't be also a planet, in the best case a minor planet.But this would not be called "2012".

    The first number in the code of a comet is always the year of discovery - and you can't discover things in the future.

    And there is also no "Planet Nabiru". Stop getting your education from Youtube.  

  2. this link might help.

    Also do a search for this name, Zecharia Sitchin or Planet X.

  3. No truth what so ever. The 12th planet (Planet X or Nibiru) was created in the 70's by Zecharia Sitchin. He's a writer and the first book was published in 1976. Nibiru is actually a moon (at least it was originally), the name of the planet is Marduk. It's to be considered fiction, not fact. Later on the year 2012 has been connected to his ideas, it wasn't originally so. This is probably so that he can make more money on his books. Zecharia Sitchin is not educated in the area, he's an amateur building his ideas in fantasies rather than reality and facts.

  4. No, it is all lies designed to separate fools from their money.  ZeroByte is correct.  

    Alternately -

    Late in December 2012 the number of questions asked about 2012 will reach a critical point. First Y!A will go offline since it will be swamped by young teenagers trying to ask the same question that had already been asked and answered 12,000 or more times in mid 2008.  YouTube will also fail. The History Channel headquarters will burn down, the fire being set by outraged astronomers or overheated telephone services, nobody will ever know which. Then Google and soon after Alta Vista and all the other search engines will collapse. The number of questions about 2012 having reached a critical mass, they will form an information black hole and the entire internet will be sucked in.  

  5. man why do so many people ask this stupid question

  6. FAQ Odometer update (since 08/28/08)

    Doomsday: 5

    Apollo Hoax: 1

    Sorry 'bout the FAQ meter there - but I'm keeping tally of this subject.

    Nibiru is the Mesopotamian name for Jupiter, as I recall (or was it Babylonian?). Whatever the case, no there is not a 30-thousand year orbiting killer planet on its way. The doomsday prophets just realized that the ancient Mayan calendar ends in 2012, and that this sounds nice and scary to many people. They simply cannot agree on what will actually happen in 2012 - Nibiru, a comet, an asteroid, pole shift, galactic alignment, and many other strange ones.

    Nibiru is sometimes confused with Planet X, which also does not exist, but was thought to be there in order to explain irregularities in Neptune's orbit. It turns out someone forgot to carry a two when calculating Neptune's orbit, and it's just where it should be - so no planet X.

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