
Does depression stimulate the intellect?

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Historians say that the dark nights of the soul aka depression is what helped Greece become one of the greatest civilizations.

And I was wondering does depression spand some kind of creativity?




  1. mmm, certainly not a bout of depression. I'm a creative writer, and I know when I feel very sad I can't write ****. But once the smoke clears, it's like--even without writing--my creativity and my writing has improved. I think the memory of depression helps creativity. Actually, I think experiencing new emotions, whatever they be, and doing new things is what makes one more creative.

  2. No, I think negatively when I am depressed.

  3. Just look at people with bi-polar disorder.  They're often bed ridden and useless at the peak of their depression, and HIGHLY productive during their manic periods.  So no, I would have to say depression doesn't inspire creativity or productivity.

    However, a lot of good poetry has been written by some pretty depressed individuals.  I think that any intense emotion creates an experience to pull from.

  4. Obviously historians have a lot of problems with depressions.

    I don't think they accurately reflected on the true causes of Greece's greatness.  They were into a little wishful depressed thinking.

    Depression kills creativity.

  5. In my case, yes.

    Depression causes me to become even more introverted than I usually am.  Increased thought leads to increased awareness, about matters of both good and bad.

    Some of my "best" thoughts have occurred while in severe bouts of depression.

  6. My thought is that people with high IQ's are more likely to get depressed, and in my experience in the past it made me much stupider! The reason people with high IQ's are more prone to depression is likely because it can be lonely outside the herd. So I say the reverse, intellect stimulates depression and if there's any left you're fortunate.

    And i've been there and don't any of you start thinking your depression is real unique and profound. Everyone I know is depressed! Wouldn't it be more unique and profound to be happy?!

    I'm a bird!

  7. Sometimes, it depends on the severity of the depression.

  8. I think manic is more productive....and so what good is creativity if you are too depressed to 'create' (produce creations, including of the 'mind')? So, I think eternal depression is not creative, unless it is interspersed with 'higher points' in the psyche. Sola

  9. That is a good question. Many great writers have suffered from depression. It appears that depression causes introspection, which then stimulates the intellect. Of course some of those depressed great writers also met tragic ends. So I wouldn't advise it as a means for inspiration.

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