
Does fighting hurt?

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Just wondering. Thats why im doing muay thai and boxing in the summer so I could probably get use to it.




  1. my friend fought some guy today after school. it was an even match and neither won or lost, it was stopped because it was going on for way too long. the other guy started throwing up immediately after, and my friend almost passed out from exhaustion and getting hit like 20 times in the head. im pretty sure he got a concussion; puking for aroun 45 minutes, didnt open his eyes, barely spoke. now hes fine, but you gotta be willing to take that pain.

  2. Not normally at first, but trust me, your body will tell you later. Think of each time you get hit, as a promise of pain in the late future.

  3. Judo should not hurt, if done right.

    It depends on the art or the fight.

    I am sure as h**l that kick boxing hurts.

  4. well let me say that pain is relative.some people cry and feel pain just because they are scared of the unknown.i firmly believe that the stronger you are mentally the less pain you will feel in a fight.also when it comes to pain in a fight,alot has to do with your        

    adrenaline.stay posotive,energetic,and just a tad bit crazy and i believe the pain will be minimal!!!

  5. If it doesn't, you were mismatched.

    Sure it hurts. It usually takes a while for the pain to set in. Maybe an hour.

    Then, it all depends how intense a fight it was.

    In my late teens, I was an amateur boxer, so relatively speaking, what I had were bruises and scrapes.

    At the pro level, they really hurt each other. Mohamed Ali peed blood after his fight with George Foreman.

    At the junior amateur level, few can muster up that kind of intensity, but you never climb in a ring not knowing you could get hurt.

  6. Actually your training is more painful than the fight ever is.  In a fight whether cage, ring or streets you really don't have time to think about any pain.  Working out and strengthening and condition always hurts though.  Sweat gets in your eyes and stings, your muscles burn, drills make you feel like you're going to die and then you run even more drills and continue to work out.  The most painful thing you'll ever feel in a fight is a loss. Pride hurts worse than anything.  Lumps, bruises, busted noses and black eyes heal within a week or so, but dealing with a loss feels like forever sometimes, at least it seems that way.  So in a sense fighting hurts, but not because of the fight its self though.  Sounds crazy I know, but the truth none the less.

  7. it depends how hard you get hit!

  8. yes

  9. I play muay thai. Yea it does hurt when you spar sometimes if you get hit with a good shot. You will kick or check a leg kick every now and again, and that hurts too.

    Sometimes you have to sacrifice your body to have a bit of fun. The fight game isn't for the feint of heart. Play hard and train hard.

  10. Not if you win.

  11. No not when ur in the fight ur adrenaline masks most of the pain the first hit might hurt but   the pain will go away really fast but it will hurt a few hours later .

  12. All fighting hurts...if your not getting hurt your training with the wrong people...simple as that...and yes judo does hurt to the guy who said it doesnt.
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