
Does garlic prevent mosquitos?

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If eat garlic will it repel mosquitos and other insects?




  1. Yes I give garlic to my boys (3 dogs) they have no problems.

    I also eat a lot of it and haven't had a skeeter bite in years (watch: tonight they will feast on me!)

    And its good for other parts of your body

  2. Yes it does, I know this from personal experience, also garlique is the best brand of garlic pills to buy as they digest in the small intestines and do not cause you to have garlic "backfire"! And it will keep fleas and ticks off of dogs as well!

  3. Just Ticks.

  4. I have heard that having extra garlic in your diet can repel mosquitoes. I have also heard that sprinkling a little on a pet's food can help them get rid of fleas.

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