
Does homeschooling require a degree?

by Guest64840  |  earlier

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I have a little predicament in my household, but it's nothing big. But i was just wondering... Say a parent wants to home school their kid(s). Would they require a degree in teaching (or something of the kind) in order to actually teach the kid(s)?




  1. No, many homeschool teachers are parents without a teaching degree, but you do have to collaborate with the state government and follow a plan that ensures the home education meets all of the state education requirements in order to make sure the children are getting the same education they would at a public school.

  2. Yes because the person homeschooling can not pass them through high school to college without a degree in college.

                                   sorry if your parent does not have a degree. I mean does a school let a teacher be a teacher without a degree!?!?

  3. no. u can do it anyway u want.

  4. The law varies from state to state (and of course in other countries).  You can find out the laws regarding homeschooling where you live by visiting

    Some states have several options, one of which might be to homeschool with a certified teacher doing the lessons, but if the parent is ot a certified teacher there is usually another option in those states-such as meeting with a teacher once year or some other sort of oversite.

    Some states are very free-for instance, Texas and Alaska.  Others have a lot of burdensome restrictions.  Without knowing your location, we can not provide a better answer than visiting the above mentioned website.

    To another answerer: actually, some states do have progrmams where people without a teaching degree teach in the public schools.  As well, private schools do not always hire degreed teachers (and get better results, go figure).  Parents earn their qualification to homeschool their children when they give birth-we teach them for the first five years, which is when most of what a person knows is learned.  There is no reason we can not teach them beyond five years.  Also, homeschooling does NOT necessarily mean that the student is at home, being taught by the parent all of the time.  Rather, the parent is teh facilitator and will find the best options for their education-might be community programs, coop classes, dual enrollment at the local community college...

  5. Every state has its own rules. And even cities and counties look at homeschooling in different ways. You'll need to know what the laws are for yours. Most do not require the homeschooling parent to have a degree in teaching.

  6. not really

  7. no

  8. They dont need one, my mother homeschooled me for about a year, and we did fine.  You just need to get permission from the school, have grade book's, paper's, text book's, and lession plan's to teach.\

    Also, it's best to make a place like a classroom, with a white board or what ever, and set out certian time's each day to teach him or her.

    Have all the supplie's you normaly need, plus, and you are set.  Just make sure that your child will stick to it, or it might turn into a problem.  Also, make sure that you keep a portfolio, and every thing you used, to the last mark on a page, to turn in to the school at the end of the year.  And make sure you have enough lession time in, what ever the school demand's, and that they have everything down for their next year.

    Good luck, and hope everything work's out!

  9. no its like school because when u start school u dont need a digree

  10. it really depends on the state. you usually have several options, one of which is following the public school curriculum online. (2 of my cousins did this.) no degree is needed on the parent's part because the education is being provided by an online school.

    check out this link for details on your state.

  11. Regulations vary from place to place.  The best place to get the necessary information for your area is to check out the HSLDA website --

    They have information for every state and province in North America.  Be sure that you know the regulations for your area, as it can affect your future choices.

    As a general rule, a parent or legal guardian does NOT need a degree in order to teach their own children.  However, as I said before, every place is different, and every state/province has their own rules.  Learn them before you do anything, because some school districts blatantly lie to families, have even been known to threaten CPS involvement with misinformation.  Know your legal requirements before you make a decision.

    If you need any further information, feel free to contact me.

  12. If you are in the UK you need no formal qualifications to home school your kids.

    You should write to your LEA and inform them that the child in question is to be 'educated other' (than in mainstream etc) and thats the begining and end of the process!

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