
Does homework make kids fat???

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doing a bebate project need to know if it makes kids fat by doing homework




  1. Sitting around at school, doing homework, playing on the computer.........can/will make a child fat.

    As adults they need regular exercise too.

    I believe that is why we see so many younger kids today getting chubby/fat, cuz they are just sitting around all day. In my generation we didn't have computers we went outside and found something to do after homework time.

  2. well the countries with kids far smarter than those in the US, do not have the childhood obesity problem  the US does

    I think the most interesting charts for this, would be to do one, of where kids are rated in countries for math and science, and then obesity problems.  The top ones probalby dont match.

  3. NO but if you get them to stay insid eand do nothhing that MIGHT make them fat but generally NO

  4. You have a point, but also sitting in front of the tv, computer, or video game does the same thing.

  5. How could doing homework make kids gain weight?? I would say it doen't and it couldn't. Weight gain is from the person's diet and exercise routine - not from studying and getting an education. lol.

  6. No...a poor diet and not burning calories makes you fat

  7. hahaha no!!! having kids sit at home watching TV and not using their brain and having them eat fatty foods make them fat.

    NOT homework. you will definitely lose the debate by saying it does.

    haha good luck!

  8. lol. no.

  9. No, sitting around all day playing video games and eating foods high in fat and sugar make kids fat. Homework expands the mind and actually makes a child healthy. New things children learn encourage them to become involved in after school activities and helps build confidence. It certainly does NOT make them fat. Like I said before, the isolation, low activity level, and high fat and sugary foods make children fat.

  10. well i guess technically yes, i know for a fact that i cant be bothered to do exercise after i've been working hard and also when i chill out after working i like to eat foods that arent so good for me.

  11. ummm no.  Fatty food and no exercise make kids fat!

  12. You are too much, no, homework does not make kids fat nor do teachers assign so much homework that the child has no time for play. A child becomes fat due to improper diet,lack of physical activities and genetics. Sounds to me like the debate project is probably w/your parents and you are trying to get enough people to say homework is a bad thing so you don't have to do it anymore (j/k). Good luck with your project kiddo.

  13. Well, I guess you could argue it makes kid engage in sedentary activity instead of being outside and active.

    Other than that, I've got nothing.

  14. No, that would be corn syrup.

    To keep kids healthy:

    1. Go outside and play

    2. Video games/tv/computer 1-2 hours nightly

    3. Get that fast food monkey off their backs

    4. Healthy food portions and NO buffets

  15. No.  Kids watching tv all afternoon makes them fat (studies have proven that you burn LESS calories watching tv than you do when sleeping.)  Also, lazy parents who feed their kids fast food and junk food most days of the week make their kids fat.

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