
Does insurance cover speech pathology?

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i stutter and recently learned about a device, speecheasy, which almost eliminates stuttering. the downside is it costs over $5,000.

Do most insurance companies cover products like this? i have a mild stutter but am still interested in buying this because it would help when doing business with people (i wont come off as being intimidated or unsure of myself).




  1. No, most insurance carriers do not cover speech pathology.

  2. based upon my own experience,here is a good resource that I have good luck with and would like to share with.

  3. *Some* insurances will cover speech therapy, but for children under 5 years old. They hardly EVER  cover any devices for speech.

  4. First, try joining a Toastmasters group and learn to speak in public.  I saw people with speech problems improve greatly in a short period of time and it costs very little.

    It would be a cinch for you to completely rid yourself of the stutter with their program.

  5. your insurance may cover it depending on what kind you have. some insurances will cover it in limited amounts.  I would call your local hospital, ask if they have a speech pathology department and someone who specializes in stuttering.  The hospital will be able to tell you if you are covered or if there is anything you can do to get coverage.

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