
Does it bother you?........?

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That most vegetarians are vegetarians because they have vegetarian parents? I know this kid who is a vegetarian but he doesn't want people to know. From what he says it sounds like he's only a vegetarian cause his parents are.




  1. no... i know like 6 or 7 vegitariens and none of there parents are vegitariens... including me. i don't want people to know either because alot of people judge and like not make fun of me but argue with me anout it... i don't draw attention to it.

  2. What people do you know? I know VERY few vegetarians whose parents raised them that way. I was certainly allowed to make the choice to become a vegetarian when I was grown up enough to do so, but my household omnivorous. It is the same for most veg*ns I know. If anything, I know more who were DISCOURAGED by their parents from becoming veg.

  3. most of the vegetarians i know are vegetarians of their own choice..

    i dont think that vegan parents force their children to follow their own path

  4. Wow, that's the opposite with me.

    I'm a vegetarian, but my parents had nothing to do with it.

    The only other vegetarians I know refuse to let their son eat meat because they're worried about the effects it would have on his growth.

  5. Its probably true! I mean if he is a kid and lives at home...its hard not to cause parents make your rules!

    and no it wouldnt bother me...

  6. Though I know of vegetarians who are so since birth, the majority converted either as teens or as  adults. Unless they start preaching to me directly, I don't see why I should be bothered by since-birth-vegetarians or as converts

    Just a story similar to yours: My wife's ex boss was vegan and raised her children vegan. But the eldest, who at that time was about 9 years old, would give money to his chauffeur to buy him and his brother fried chickens and big macs that they would eat on the way home from school. All of them, including the mom are no longer vegans,not even vegetarians.

  7. That isn't necessarily true though, I am a vegan and both of my parents are carnivores...

  8. I know a lot of vegetarians, and none of them have parents who are vegetarian. I'm a vegan, and everyone in my family is a meat eater (and I live with my parents). I have very strong beliefs about animal rights, I don't just agree with whatever my parents say is right. I chose to become vegan by thinking for myself. I think your statement is extremely inaccurate, and it's ridiculous that you would make such a bold statement based on just one person you know. Your statement is actually borderline offensive, but I'm pretty sure you didn't mean any offense.

  9. No

    Most kids do eat the same as their parents

    when they leave home they change if they want to

  10. Actually, the vast majority of vegetarians I know were NOT raised vegetarian, but chose it themselves.

    It's the role, right and responsibility of a parent to raise their children as they see fit.  This includes making decisions for young children about diet, religion, education, etc.

  11. It doesn't bother me. I don't know why he wouldn't want people to know, your supposed to be proud of it and if your not there's no point, well there's a point but he shouldn't be one then.

  12. I'm afraid that you don't know most vegetarians and I'll have to admit that you are definitely wrong in the case of US or UK vegetarians.

  13. Hm.. most kids I know who are vegetarians don't have vegetarian parents, like me. But my parents have started cutting down on meats after I started.

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