
Does it make a sound?

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If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around, does it make a sound?




  1. yes of course but if no one is around they just dont here it.

  2. definitely..

    the breaking of the tree and the fall makes sound

  3. No,when a tree falls in the forest it doesn't make any noise at all,because silence is golden,and trees don't want to be a burden on anybody.

  4. No, it does not.  It will produce vibrations in the air, but these vibrations are not interpreted as sounds unless there is an ear present.

  5. Yes it does. So does thunder on jupiter. It just happens that no hears it.


  6. Yes.

  7. the basic reason of something falling and making a sound is that by the time the object is going to hit the ground, it has got some energy in it in the form of kinetic energy (energy by virtue of a body in motion). When it falls, its kinetic energy suddenly becomes zero. But due to conservation of energy law, this energy must have gone somewhere. So this energy is the one that gets converted into sound energy and emitted in the surroundings.

    So the point of someone present around or not, does not make any difference in the production of sound energy.

    So the answer to your question is yes, the tree will make a sound on falling on the ground.

  8. of course it will make sound, sound is produced when any kind of physical vibration is transferred through air

  9. Of corse dure to friction and change of forms of energy.

  10. yeah, it does make a sound.

    just no one is around to hear it.
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