
Does it make you laugh..?

by  |  earlier

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When people here post questions asking "Is my friend good looking" and the picture is practically identical to their avatar?




  1. yeah their just too afriad to tell people its themselves

  2. Yes!

  3. yeah that is funny

    what about u?

    do u look like ur avatar

  4. haha yeah but it makes me laugh even more when they then post the same question again saying "i didn't get many answers last time, ok it is me i just wanted an honest opinion, please more answers" that tickles me like you wouldn't believe.

  5. you know what, i didnt think about that untill now. lol

  6. I think its funny when people ask that, period.

    either they ask if we think they're pretty,

    or if their friend is pretty,

    or if their mom is pretty,

    or if their dog is pretty...

    I think they're in a very desperate need of attention.

    and I hate it haha

  7. LOL ^_^ yea

  8. no i dont think its very funny to laugh at the way people look

    look at my avatar i'am half dead in real life

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