
Does it really matter?

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what your grandparents think about things? My mom says its pok for me to get piercings but my grandparents say they will rip them out. Ive told my mom of this and she says "just ignore them im your mom, sometimes you just gotta learn to not care." i understand this is true but i dont want them to die thinking i am a disapointment... Please help




  1. this is a problem for a lot of people. sometimes your parents and grand parents will have different ideas of what's okay. sometimes it's hard to please them both, but in this case i would say you should listen to your mom. grand parents have a tendency to be stuck in old ways and have a hard time in an ever changing world. life and how things are done aren't at all how they were when your grand parents were your age and they have a hard time dealing with that. your mom should be the one you ultimately listen to though - you probably spend more time with her, so if she says the piercing won't bother her, then it shouldnt' be an issue. it is good that you care about this, but your grand parents need to live with it. it's your body and your life.

  2. your mom is right. these things don't matter. they'll still love you even if they don't like how you look. and if they don't, well, they're old so they're going to die in a few years anyway.

  3. Yeah I know how you feel. I wanted my lip peirced for my 13 birthday and when I told my mom she said no. When I kept asking her she said she'd think about it. After getting opinions of family and friends she said yes. But my grandma(who I love dearly) didn't like the idea.

    But when she saw it she liked it. It was small andsimple but she hasn't seen my new one.


    I know she supports me. Whne she saw it, she said it looks cute cute and classy.

    Good luck.

    **Just don't go overbaord like getting your ears streched out.

  4. get your peicing and tell your grandparents it what made you happier...

    and sometime grandparent just say that so you wont get them...
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