
Does it really matter??

by Guest58653  |  earlier

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If i call my god Hari, Allah , Waheguru, God , Paramatma or with any other name is he going to change??

Dont u think that Jesus Christ, Guru Nanak, Mohammad sahib, shree Ram, Gautam Budha were actually trying to show us path to only one single God??




  1. you could be on to something

  2. Did you see Kung Fu Panda?

    which, incidently, was a pure rip off of the movie The Last Dragon.......but I digress.

    Ultimately ------at the end of the day.............the message is.........God is within YOU...........and if you believe in YOURSELF--------YOU  (Ie. God----man created in HIS image)  can do >>anything!<<!!!

    In essence..........YOU---------are the Last Dragon.......if you think you are.

    Finding finding GOD.

  3. god knows.


  4. god is the one you like any any any just one , it depends upon only on your choice  

  5. it depends: do you want people to call you by your name or some other name? your still the same person either way, but that doesnt mean that you dont have a specific name that is your own and that you want people to call you by.

  6. My God is called Google.

  7. There's only one GOD.

    And spell Buddha right Guatama buddha.

  8. There is only one God!

  9. There are too many tea shops and you can choose to drinkl from any of them.

    If the persons you have named had thought that they were speaking about one and the same God , I wonder why they did follow different paths when  they were aware that every path leads to the same goal.( God)

    May be they wanted to avoid traffic jam!

    What you have stated is a cliche every half- baked person is telling always to fool the people ..

    It looks that all these holy men had enough of ego in themselves that kept them far away from God .They were only seekers and they did not see God really.

    Tey searched throug different routes and reached nowhere .That is why you have so amny contending religions today.The religions  have mushroomed like the present day political parties..

    Those who have seen god had never spoken ( as they did not live after seeing God ) and those who have taled about god had never seen god( as they had not died while they talked about god )

             " Kandavar vindillor" ; "vindavar Kandillar !"

               ("Those who saw , did not say" and  "those who said did  not see!" )

  10. God create human being, nature and animals. This divisions is done by humans for their own selfishness.  

  11. The one single God of Nature, yes

  12. Yes it matters.  

    Does it matter if someone calls you by your name?  Or can they call you Sally, Jimmy or Coffee-Table.  Sure it does.  You are a unique individual and special.

    God is special and set apart.  Lumping name of any god that might represent anything is not how you address the one true God.

  13. If God exist I don't think God cares what you call him/her/it/them/us.


  14. The Flying Spaghetti Monster (Parmesan be upon Him) has many names, and even more appendages. All roads lead to Him if you just open your mind.

  15. the idea of god is to aid in times of need. if there was a god there would only be one.

  16. Many people showing the way to a higher level of consciousness...same higher force, different paths

  17. What about the religions that have godS. Plus you realize that christians were just uncreative when coming up with a name for there god, or they were undecieded. Also what about the religion before Christianity.

  18. non of these god's that you speak of actually exist though

    you know that right?

  19. This is why it's so much easier to be an atheist.

    It makes sense, too.

    2-in-1 deal! Woohoo!

  20. Buddha wasn't trying to show anybody a path to God. Buddha taught us that we do not need supernatural figures to better ourselves. Buddhists do not even worship Buddha, rather they keep him in their hearts and minds as an aspiration of what they can become, he is holy because he is the Buddha inside all of us.

    The monotheistic gods could be argued in this way and the differences put down to cultural interpretation. This would mean that trying to convert people outside of your specific geographic, ethnic, temporal grouping is wrong as the message for them is different. This would mean that everybody, who is different, needs a different message. This invalidates religion.

    What about polytheism?

    What about polytheism within montheism such as the Christian saints or the Jewish Elohim?

  21. That's exactly my opinion.  I may be an atheist, but I still appreciate the main message that most religions propose.  That would be kindness.  The commandments are (essentially) all about kindness, just as are all of the other main moral codes of all religions.

  22. no matter, at last our god is 1

  23. They're really not related. Other places believe in other gods. They're not the same god to them. Buddha was actually a person and they just worshiped him. God is different from Allah and other gods too. People say that they did different things that are worth to worship. Different gods are worshiped by different people.

  24. No.  The only people who tell you "we all worship the same God" are assimilationists who want to make it easier to draw others into their belief.  That was started by the early Christians, who were drawing the religious figures of other faiths into their spiritual house as saints, then gradually pushing them out the back door once the populace was converted.  

    Here is the test: if you worship God, are you truely willing to worship Him as Allah or Thor for the rest of your life?  No?  Then why think anyone else wants to pretend God is their diety of choice when He is not?

  25. You're absolutely right, but people must have their beliefs, leave them to it, just keep your faith

  26. You asked a series of questions:

    1) Does it really matter?    yes    (At least, God says it does. And he applied a particular name to himself in the Bible when Moses asked "Who do I say sent me?"

    2) If I call my god..............?    Obviously, there are thousands of languages, each with their own language's name for God. I don't know why you think that the name used will CHANGE God.  But if the name chosen says something in its meaning that is opposite to what God says of himself, than you have lied about God.

    3) "Dont u think that.......path to only one single God?"   Of course not! If this were try, why did they say such OPPOSITE AND CONFLICTING THINGS ABOUT GOD!     (And are you unaware that Buddhism believes that there IS NO GOD?! how could a religion that believes there is no one creator God "show us path to only one  single God (sic")"?????

    You have some very strange and contradictory ideas. (And clearly you know little about world religions!)

  27. That's pretty much how I thought when I believed in God. Seemed amazingly obvious to me, to others not so much.

  28. Hhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Gandhism!  ohhh nooooo!  

  29. Yes...

    But other people are too stubborn to see it that way.

    They are to caught up in thinking they are "right" they have blinded themselves.

    Faith is supposed to be something beautiful that guides us in our lives, that gives us hope and a reason to keep living when our lives are crappy.

    It's supposed to be something to celebrate. It's supposed to be something we WANT to celebrate not something we HAVE to.

  30. I think that Jesus Christ, Guru Nanak, Mohammad sahib, shree Ram, Gautam Budha were actually trying to show us path to only one single thats of Love and not hatred.

  31. good point well made.

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