
Does love die....... ?

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Does love die....... ?




  1. dont think so  cuz there will always be a tikm where you love even if you say you never will again

  2. Love can't die... thats like asking if Life can die.

  3. never.It is ever-green.

  4. No, not really. It may hide or seem to go away but it's always there, waiting to pop back out.

  5. yes

  6. People die. but love never dies. It will always exist. It is the people who stop loving and wanting love in their life. Love is not to be question. It is the people per Se.

  7. This ones daughter once came with this one to his place of then employment.

    This ones daughter immediately demonstrated that she felt a strong emotional attatchment towards one of the other workers who was there.

    As we returned home, this one commented that this ones daughter appeared to really like the other person.

    She replied, "Oh no, Daddy.  I love her!  I knew her before..."

    Apparently, love does not die, even love from another life time.

    Perhaps this is why one finds oneself feeling attracted to another with stronger emtions than might otherwise be or seem normal and appropriate.

    When one considers that the true essence of all beings has existed from the beginning of time and up to the present moment, we may all have been one anothers mother, father, sister, brother, aunt, uncle, cousins, etc. in many previous incarnations, as well as wives, husband and lovers.

    In this life time, this one has found that love never dies nor ends, although, as with all that exist, it grows, changes and is in a constant state of flux.

    Love possibly appears to die when one attempts to maintain it in a static state, not allowing growth and change.  As would happen with water which needs to flow so as to remain fresh, not allowing such change causes it to become stagnate, fetid and harmful to all.

    Be well and be water, my freind.

  8. Yes. Not the answer most think. Who remembers the dead? The run of the mill people like myself. We are names on a stone if we even are buried. No one remembers, or cares. Nature has a way of doing that. It is necessary. The world stops for no one or nothing! Time is kinda cruel in that way.  

  9. Not if it's really Love. Real Love is not dependent on actions, reactions, or even acceptance of others. If you have really connected to Love, you just Love.


  10. it is unborn, so it cannot die... it is eternal.

  11. No, as long as it is true love. Love does not die because God doesn`t die, and God is love.  

  12. i think maybe sometimes it fads away rather than die.

  13. No, I don't think that love dies, especially if it genuine, sincere love between two people.  Love comes in many varieties amongst different people in relationships, but I think if you keep something special in your heart about the person, love with never die for you.  

    Thanks for reading!

  14. true love never dies and if it dies was never true love

  15. Yes, and like the man said,"A dream dies the hardest."  It takes about 15 years.

  16. No!  It just changes residence!  

    Clever,  Immortal Love!  Sure knows how to survive;  by killing those who are its true adherent!

  17. Yes.  This is a metaphor, therefore it does not necessarily bear the truth of the nature of love.

    However, how else can we explain it?  We're not the same as we were before the episode of love enveloped us.

  18. Emotions are a movie about our physiological reactions played by our minds on the limited awareness called our conscious mind. Did "Gone with the wind die?"

  19. well nothing lasts forever but i am not saying it dies or ends i am saying it comes and goes

    it goes because we must have times when we come to cherish our friends ,our family and even ourselves so we can see clearly

    and it comes when we know that and we work to keep that love  

  20. Romance dies. Quite quickly.

    Love is the actions one engages in wherein one puts another's wellbeing and happiness above ones own. This cannot die, as it never "lives", even metaphorically. It can and is abandoned far too easily, far too often.

  21. Love lives a resilently fragile life. It is  an eight-ton gorilla and a whisp of spring mountain air. It is boundlessly limited, smotheringly elusive and silently deafening.

    Love is rebirth, created from ashes.

  22. I'm guessing you mean relationship type love and I believe yes. When you break up with someone I believe the love can definitely die. Even married couples can end up hating eachother.

    Everyperson and relationship is different but yes I believe love is able to die.

  23. if it's not true love then yes!  

  24. Never because it's the strongest feeling.

  25. If it's love it never dies, infatuation does die and usually fast.

  26. Love never Dies if what you feel for the Person you hold dear to your Heart, is true Love.

  27. no it doesnt love is always going to bethere ur always going to love some one wether u notice or not there always someone
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