I have been a very happy person my whole life, never really had anything too difficult happen to me and I've been fairly successful. I just graduated University, I have had the chance to travel the world a little, I have a good job, good friends, good family. Very good life, and I am happy, but I think I am LESS happy now than I was before I fell in love, not too long ago, a couple years ago.
Now, I got to say now that I have probably been in love before, but never really acted on it at all and never became extremely close to those people so it probably isn't all that relevant. It was after being very open with someone, and expressing that and getting close that things got a little worse.
I realize that part of life and growing up is love, relationships, pain, hurt and all that. So sure, I learned quite a bit from my experience and I had some amazing times but the fundamental issue is that I am unhappier now than I was before. More experienced, more worldly, more mature but less happy.
One possible reason for this is that I was happier when I was in love than ever before and now everything seems weaker in comparison, but lets just avoid that thought because I really don't think it's true. I don't think I was ever happier when I was in love, except for those brief perfect moments.
There is so much anxiety, expectation, obsessiveness and pain when you actually care about someone and what they think of you that it really is not a "good experience". I think it's permanently screwed me to some extent. It seems like there is no way to go back, and if I hadn't invested myself in that situation than I would be better off today. Ultimately, I agree there will be a day when the investment will pay off and everything will work out. However, should we not avoid this until we are much older and view it more as a necessary evil than a central part of our lives?
Highschool kids fall into these relationships all the time and at the tender ages of 15, 16 feel like they are in love, and then the hurt and pain from that lingers on in them for the rest of their lives. Avoiding that first fall until it is completely necessary seems very important to me.
Sorry for being so long winded, but it I'd like to hear your thoughts now.
The question I pose now, is try to remember your life BEFORE you ever fell in love and had all the worries that come from it, and compare it to your life now and tell me if it is happier. Should we avoid investing our time into loving people until we are truly ready to commit to them for life?