
Does masturbation cause these four things?

by  |  earlier

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1) Acne

2) Moodiness

3) Defiancy with parents associated with moodiness

4) Absent mindedness




  1. 1) No

    2 &3) Masturbation doesn't, you do.

    4) Sometimes

  2. You are trying to rope all these things into the wrong category.  Masburbation has absolutely nothing to do with any of them.  Puberty is the guilty party for all of the above.  

  3. no, no, no and no again

  4. They cause none of it... relax..

  5. No none of those things are related to masturbation.  Those are characteristics of adolescents which is also just happens to be the major masturbation time in human life.  They are not related by cause and affect.

  6. yes




    loss of memory too!!

  7. I'm a girl and i know that none of them has anything to do with masturbating

  8. I forget if it causes the first three.  

  9. Masturbation causes NONE of those things.

    Don't listen to all the old wives' tales.   The next one you'll be asking about is if masturbation makes you go blind!

    Masturbation is as normal as intercourse.  Don't obsess about it.

  10. 1) Acne :NO

    2) Moodiness : No

    3) Defiancy with parents associated with moodiness : Who told you this i am gonna go kick his ***...

    4) Absent mindedness : Depends if your Hard... Catch my drift?

  11. To all 4: NO.

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