
Does money buy????

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the old saying 'money cant buy happiness, or health, is sorry to say this absolute B o l l o x!

being poor cant jet you off abroad for 2 weeks,

being poor cant pay for the private hernia operation at an expensive clinic?

so in my opinion the people that agree with this 'money cant buy happiness rubbish are rich themselves!

what do you think?




  1. Money may not buy you happiness, but it can certainly buy you a very superior class of misery. ;-)

    Being (in most people's eyes) "rich", I can confirm that having plenty of money is a great comfort, and liberates you from a lot of worries and concerns. The main thing is to make sure you don't start spending it on rubbish like clothes, cars and holidays, or you won't be wealthy for long.

  2. I am not rich and even moved to Mexico so I could afford food utilities and medications all each month and I am happy. Sure it would be nice to do all of those things, but they would not make me happy. The things I want (my children to be happy) money can't buy. I am sorry for you that you only  think the rich are happy. What a sad life you must have.

  3. pria's right. while money may not buy happyness it will at least get you dam close! Being poor makes me the most unhappy.

  4. LOL!! now i can see why you are so bitter.  if you did not have an ugly b*****d you might get yourself a rich man.  ha ha ha!  u sad ****.

    LMAO = "he lives with his parents and i live with my mum and our daughter.

    he works in a reasonably paid job and i work part time.

    his mother makes him pay rent even though they are well off and he stays at my house most mother and i struggle to keep the house running due to lack of money. but his mother still makes him pay money to her rather than help me and our daughter she also says that if he moves out they will have to sell the house.

    we have applied to the council as privatley renting is expensive and we have bad credit."" ha ha ha.

    a quick skim through your answers tell me, that you are a fat, yellow tooth single mum, that is dirt poor and oh so BITTER!

    u should not have got knocked up u silly bint.,  take it out on your loser boyfriend  or your ugly b*****d.  the sad fact is, no one wants a fat slaggy single mum with an ugly b*****d child, that is clearly looking for a meal ticket.

    oh and ive blocked you now sad bitter STALKER!!!

  5. No, but it can help you become happy. If you have money you can get a proper education, keep healthy more easily (you can afford gyms/swimming pools), and enjoy life more.

  6. There are a couple of interesting pieces of research that relate to your question.  One is that people who are really poor are less happy than people who are not.  However, after a certain point, money is no longer related to happiness.  If you go from $20,000 a year to $50,000 a year, you will likely be a lot happier.  But going from $50,000 to $90,000 a year makes little difference.

    The second is that most people seem to have a "set point" with respect to happiness.  People are generally happy or not and that doesn't vary a whole lot, except in extreme situations.  Even when bad things (or really good things) happen, most people return back to their "set point."

    So I would say that there is SOME truth to the notion that money can't buy happiness.

  7. Money may not be able to buy you happiness but you can be a lot happier with money that without any.

    I agree with you.  Plus I really don't know anyone who's truly happy and poverty stricken.

  8. How much money will make you happy is directly proportionate to how much you want to buy.  If people were to simplify their lives and only buy what they need, I think we'd all be happier.
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