
Does my bestfriend like me?

by  |  earlier

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me and this girl have been best friends for about two years now. the other day we got really mad at each other and didnt talk at all. for the last couple of days now she has been sitting with this other dude and flirting with him alot. but i noticed that as shes doing this she will look at me really fast and look away. one of my friends said that shes noticed this 2. so does she like me or what. ps me and her are ok now




  1. She may have been wanting you to make a move on her or bring yall's relationship to the next level. Her acting mad at you was a definite sign, and her looking at you to see if you are jealous of her and that guy. She really likes you! I've done that before with one of my guy friends, but he never did do anything so I gave up!!

    BTW, thanks for answering my question!! :)

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