
Does my brother not love me?

by  |  earlier

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i was carrying my brothers PS3 yesterday and its worth like $500 and I was going down stairs and I trip and fell from the stairs then my brother saw and I noticed he cared more about his PS3 than me I ended up breaking my right arm and getting a broken nose. Does he not love me?




  1. awwe thats so sad, I'm sure he still loves you but he was just a little upset over his game after a few days he will be ok , dont worry about it, its not like you did  it on purpose, i hope you get better really soon

  2. No definately dont think that he doesent love you! I am sure that your Brother loves you bvery much. I believe that sometimes people just react differently and not the best way in certain situations. You should definately talk to your brother. Even if you just jokingly say... Hey do you care about your game system more than Me? You should tell him that your feelings are hurt. Im sure he loves you, dont worry ok?  

  3. To begin with how old are you and your brother?? Sounds like your brother is just very protective over his belongings.

      I understand it was an accident. Accidents do happen.

    Just try to get your parents/guardians to help you explain to him that it WAS only an accident and that you are very sorry.

      I don't think it's an issue of him not loving you.. it's just an issue of being materialistic.

      Is there any way you can replace the PS3? Was it broken beyond repair?

       Good luck with your brother and heal fast.

      I am praying for you to heal and for you two to heal your relationship.

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