
Does my cat hate me now?

by  |  earlier

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i have a kitten.

and we've known each other for about a week, for her that would be....maybe a third of her life?

[[ just for the info, she is a horrible car rider and she meows the entire ride, even our car ride back from new york, there were hours of crying. ]]

i took her to the vet yesterday and it was her first ever visit.

she got shots, and all of those other unpleasant things animals have to go through, and she got her ears cleaned.

she obviously didn't enjoy any of it, because what would?

but she wasn't freaking out by any means.

when we came home she slept, like i expected her to, the rest of the day.

now today, i assumed she'd be okay and normal.

but it's as if she doesn't like me.

she wont play with me or anything, she didn't even attack me at 7:30 in the morning like she ALWAYS does.

do you think she is mad at me?




  1. She is not made at you she just got done with some horrible things just give her time to heal and then she'll start attacking again trust me I got my cat nudered and he didn't play but know he is attacking me again and playing so don't worry it will all work out.

  2. First of all, you think that a week is 1/3 of her life? Are you planning to kill your cat in 2 weeks?

  3. shes a baby and is still effected from the shots.  she needs rest, and dont push her to play. i dont think she hates you and will get over it! just make sure and be there for her when she is ready to play again!  

  4. She may be worn out from the crazy day before. My dog does that after we do something like that! :)

  5. don't worry give her some time to get over her experience, its normal for cats to act that way. when i have to take my cat to the vet, when i get home he always hides somewhere and doesn't come out for hours. poor thing lol. but don't worry shell get over it soon enough, this was a first-time-visit for her. it's expected lol. in a few days she should be back to normal, if not sooner than that


  6. Have you ever had a flu shot? Remember what you felt like after words. She is feeling the same I guess. Make sure she has no lumps where the injection was given. Give her some treats and love. She will come to you in time. Animals are not like people. They do not know what it is to hate.

  7. Probably still stressed out from the vet. Don't bother her for a while, wait for her to come to you.

  8. Naw, I don't think she hates you. My Daisy hates car rides also, she just needed some time to adjust and then she is perfectly normal

    your kitty is probably just exhausted and maybe confused about the checkup lol, just give her some time to relax a little. She'll be back to normal  

  9. no let her come to you and things will be ok

  10. its ok, your kitten isn't mad at you.  shes jus having a side effect from the shots which make them tired and lethargic.  you might have to take her back to the vet to get some antibiotic shots because she might have a slight fever.  my kitten was doing the same thing the day after her shots and we took her back to the vet to get antibiotics.  good luck on your kitten (: dont worry, she duznt hate you.

  11. she might be alittle mad . i had a cat . he didn't like car rides are anything. cats only play when they want to  

  12. Your cat may be a bit leary of you for a while but it cannot hate you, EVER.

    Animals do not have the capacity for hate. That is a trait reserved exclusively for humans. And we do it oh so well.

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