
Does my dog have fleas?

by  |  earlier

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im just wondering cus she scratches sumtimes, but not like CRAZY ALL THE TIME. but just like once a while.




  1. All dogs will get fleas at some stage in their life. If you see little black dots all over your dog, that means that your dog has fleas (the little black dots are the fleas' droppings). I suggest you go to the vet, and ask for a flea treatment. The vet will ask you for the size of your dog, and it would help both of you immensely if you can tell him/her the size of your dog as specifically as you can. This is so the vet can give your dog the right strength of flea treatment.  

  2. Dogs will scratch even if they don't have fleas... we have normal itches too. =)

    Some good spots that fleas seem to like... aroung the ears-the back of the ears where they attach to the head, under the collar, and on the belly.

    They look like littly black spots. Sometimes you can see "flea dander" which is their f***s... this will look like black dirt where they like to live.

    You should be able to know whether they have fleas or not... just look and they'll move.  

  3. Take a look at your dog, you can see fleas.  Go buy some good flea prevention advantage or frontline, do not use hartz(can be harmful) or flea collars (dont work).

  4. hey might check if he she has these flat bugs that go all over her and if they are black then go to the vet they well give u some drops and all u have to do is put them right on her back and hopefully it will go away and if it is not bugs then go to the vet and see what it can be

    good luck!!!!!

  5. Here's the best way to check.  Get a  flea comb and put your dog over white paper.  Brush out the dog, the fleas will come out and any black specks on the paper indicate flea eggs.  Also, if your dog sleeps with you and you have light colored sheets, you will see black specks and red spot, which is where the fleas are feasting.  

  6. Check his fur!!!

    If you see little black bugs on his fur, then you need to buy some flea drops. Ask your vet for more info on this.

  7. Could be couple of things.  Could be allergies, to grass, or food allergies.  Do you feed your dog people food?  We have in the past (sometimes still do) and spent over $1,000 one year in Vet's bills, only to find out that the people food (steak, and chicken) not only made him itch, but got soars on his skin.

    If you dog is a smaller bred, and white they seem to have more allergies.  Vet recommend my dog to eat dog food with Duck. I can tell you brands if needed.

    Also, if you really do see tiny bugs, that can jump (suggest a flea comb) then bring your dog in.  Please do not buy over the counter flea shampoo's they can be very dangerous to your animal.  Well, I hope this helps you somewhat.  Good luck!

  8. If it's just once in a while, there isn't a problem. Only random itches. If he starts itching like crazy take him to your vet.  

  9. She may have allergies or fleas or just dry skin. If you cannot tell, take her to the vet or to a groomer to be checked for fleas.

    Use a monthly preventative (Sentinel, Advantage, Frontline, etc) so she doesn't get them.

    Allergies...feed a high quality (not Walmart or grocery store brand) food. Make sure there is no wheat, corn, soy...the 3 most common allergies...You want to feed a "holistic" food.

    Good luck..

    BTW...I TOTALLY DISAGREE WITH THE PERSON WHO SAID THAT MOST DOGS HAVE FLEAS....maybe in the deep back woods where no-one cares for them???

    I groom dogs for a living...I do anywhere from 6-10 dogs per day and even in the high heat of summer, I only see 2-3 dogs per WEEK with fleas

  10. all dogs have fleas.....

    well most

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