
Does my rabbit have a cold?

by  |  earlier

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he has been sneezing alot over the past few days and after he is done sneezing he wipes his nose. does he have a cold? if so what should i do? thanks a bunch.




  1. i dont want to scare you but... this can be very seriouse. it is something in her lungs that is causing this problem, try changing her diet, if you can show me a list of foods she eats and the treats you give her i can tell you which ones you should take out and stop  feeding her those. if you are feeding her iceburg lettuce please stop and DO NOT listen to the person on top of me that said feed her lettuce. give her pleny of fresh water, pellets, and timmothy hay but my top suggestion would be to take her to the vet A.S.A.P, i hope your bun feels better!

  2. according to my wide knowledge of rabbits, i can defo tell you that your rabbit is experiencing a cold. however, if you feed it lettuce twice an hour for the next three weeks im sure it will be fan-dabby-dozee.  

  3. If it's constant sneezing, then he may have a cold, or even something serious like Phenomena, I recommend seeing a vet immediately, when my guinea pig started sneezing like that, she stopped eating and drinking, and ended up being put to sleep.

    I would also keep your bunny inside until he's better{If he's an outdoor bunny}

    If he's already an indoor bunny, I wouldn't disturb him too much for the next few days, make sure he has plenty of water and hay, and feed his normal ration of pellets.

    Keep him somewhere where he won't get too cold or too hot.

    And I would check for a fever, to do this, you stick a thermomiter, up his butt, and keep it to the side, make sure you don't use that thermomiter for yourself! xD

    A bunny's average temperature is about 101.7 F- 103.0 F

    and extreme temperatures are

    98.6 F, and 105.4 F

    The vet may be able to prescribe a medication or something to help your bunny get better!

    I hope he's okay!

    -Huggles your bunny-

  4. He could just have something up his nose or he could be sick.

    Either way, take him to a rabbit-savvy vet asap.  

  5. My bunny does that too and she's fine.  It can sound quite violent at times, but she also seems to do it for attention on occasion.  She's been to the vet who gave her Baytril which seemed to clear it slightly but didn't remove it completely.  Some rabbits have a sensitive respiratory system which is highlighted after general anaesthetic and they can have short sneezing episodes.  

    If you haven't noticed any other problems and he seems to be otherwise healthy he should be okay, but take him to the vet if you are concerned or anything changes, it's better to be safe than sorry.

    Hope your bunny feels better soon though!  

  6. Go to the veterinarian.  

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