
Does my sister need help? ?

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Okay my sister is 21 years old this June. She doesnt have a job and she still lives with my parents. All she does all day long is play video games and talk to this little 14 year old girl who she supposoly calls her best friend. She has a boyfriend of 4 years and they see each other alot, usually he comes here. When i say video games i mean computer games. So all day long shes on the computer. She barely talks to anyone around the house and her only friends are on the computer. Now the most im worried about is the little girl.. i feel like that girl is holding her back on stuff.All she cares about is herr on the comp.Mabye im Jealous? Im her little sister 14 going on 15 in december but the point is i just feel like she should be hanging out with people her own age.I've tried talking to her and telling her she needs to be independant but its going through one ear and out the other.She's old enough to have her own apartment and job and be on her own. Am i wrong to tell her these things or to be worried for her? I just want her to live her own life =[




  1. You're not wrong to be worried.

    However mom and dad probably should be the ones to actually tell her she needs to get off her butt and DO something with her life. You in the mean time CAN give her some hints.. knock on her bedroom door, and invite her to go for a walk, to go to the store, to go get ice cream, ANYTHING to get her away from her computer, and out of the house. Invite her out often.. for some sister time. And maybe, just maybe that combined with a MUCH NEEDED talk from mom and dad, will get through to her to show her there's a world outside of the internet.

    I also agree she DOES need some friends her own age, a 14 year old (no offense) has nothing in common with a 21 year old. But she also needs to spend time with YOU, her sister.. and needs to learn to live without her computer.  

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