
Does obesity affect the environment?

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Does obesity affect the environment?




  1. To the extent that an obese person consumes more resources than one who is not obese.  However, that would be an all encompassing resource question and one not just measured by food or other items.  From my perspective as an obese 620 pound man, I am sure certain resources I consume more than a non-obese person, primarily food; however, there are many others where I am sure my consumpitoin is less.

  2. Interesting idea. One would guess yes, as some things need to be made larger as the population gets bigger, and thus have more of an environmental impact. ON THE OTHER HAND, it's reported that obese people die quicker -- so that's LESS damage they can do to the environment. I won't even get into food consumption.

  3. Everything effects the environment. One person stepping on one ant effects the environment.

    But the effect of obesity (which is not even a well defined thing, does it mean average percentage of the population or one person or what?) effects in the environment in trivial and unimportant ways.

  4. You get obese from junk food

    To make junk food there has to be a lab/factory

    To make the lab/factory you need to clear land = destory nature

    To make the land look nice you need chemicals for grass and such

    Kills evironment

    Having a factory polutes air

    Obese people cant be very active = Nature dies cause of bad care

    im not sure, though

    some connections made on the fly

  5. No one knows. Many people become fat when they stop smoking which is green.. Once overweight you can maintain that weight on a normal, not excessive diet, so don,t assume all fat people eat more. The obese do use more medical resources...diabetes, arthritis, infertility heart disease cancer so although they do die younger it's not by much and not before they've consumed a lot of health care.

  6. Two standard people use more resources than one obese person.  Overpopulation trumps overweight.

  7. Yes it does. Think about it. Obese people consume more food and then eliminate more p**p. Both affect the environment.

  8. nope.

    with the global warming brouhaha, trustme, the environment has enough to worry about than the weight of an individual.

  9. Yes, but just a little.  The little bit comes from the over consumption of the typical overweight person.  The more you consume the more energy that was used to bring you your pink snowballs and french fries.

  10. obeasity affects global warming, because fat poeple get really hot and sweaty real fast, so the heat coming off them increases the temparture of the atomessphere.

    also they eat alot more than the average person, so there could be a problem with food shortages in the future if crops and things are slowy killed due to rising tempartures.

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