
Does protesting ever work?

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if so, can you give me an example of when it has done please?

thanks a lot




  1. i dunno ask the sufferagettes

  2. Yes I can...women in the sixty's...Martin Luther King equality....Gandhi,Nelson Mandela...freedom...& Im sure theres many more.

  3. I protest about everything that affects me directly and usually get my own way. I protest regualrly about my husband not doing what i want in the house and with the kids and he gives in. I protested at work about a quite serious issue and have eventually this week got my way. I am far too busy to do anything else but good luck to those who are wealthy enough or selfish enough to protest about world wide issues. Personally I wouldn't drag my kids to Wimbledon Common or Africa to make a point but I admire those who do in some ways. My kids come first over any moral issues for me. Some may see this as being weak or selfish I suppose but I am obeying natures instinct to provide for and protect my own in my eyes.

  4. a government fears its people so yes.

    Recent example the postal strike in the uk- managment were adament they would not budge on their offer yet 4 days of action seems to have forced them back to the negotiation table

  5. eventually. civil rights movement? 60's-70's

  6. The Stop the War movement, it eventually got Tony Blair out of office.

    Thanks for the question!

  7. It worked pretty well for the Civil Rights Movement in the 60's.

  8. only if a lot of people do it (this is how blacks got to be treated fairly and how women got their voting rights)

  9. I don't think so.  It does make people feel like they are doing something, but in reality, I think there are people who actually do work for the cause, give donations, volunteer, etc, who accomplish much.  Holding a sign and marching around chanting is a waste of time.

  10. Vote for women

    Civil rights

    End Vietnam War

    going back a bit,

    Prohibition, to start

    Prohibition, to end

    And I believe sometime in the early 1800's there was what was called a Whiskey War against the Revenue agents to prevent the taxation of moonshine in the South, not sure of the date.

  11. It did with the Poll Tax!

  12. Many strikes discourage people from shopping in stores, school strikes close schools until the strike is over.

          You know a squeaky wheel gets oiled.

  13. it probably has worked sometime or another the royal mail strikes might be one i dont know though

  14. When the Soviets were disintegrating the people took to the streets, and the soldiers would not fire.  The regime fell, for all the good it has done the average person over there.

    I was visiting Lithuania at the time.  It was amazing to see the young girl offer the tankers a bouquet of flowers, and to see the tankers take the daisies and turn off their engines.

    However, even when the demonatrators are massacred, as they usually are, their defiance shows that they are not conquered by their government and reveals that government as a regime that is maintained against the interests and will of the people.  This can be a powerful tool for change, gained by the sacrifice of patriots.

    In Canada the Winnipeg General Strike of 1919 is generally considered a turning point in their social progression.  While the strikers were crushed by martial law and frankly illegal deportations, the public became aware of the issues involved and sympathy for the strikers in the wake of the overreaction led to the adoption of many of their demands.

    Thomas Clement Douglas, the founder of Canada's public health system, watched the strikers being attacked by the troops from a church steeple with his longtime associate Stanley Knowles.  They were schoolboys then, but their Parliamentary association over the next fifty years was shaped by the sacrifices made by those protestors.

    In a 2006 a poll conducted by the Canadian Broadcating Corporation Tommy Douglas was an easy winner as the greatest Canadian.  I would say that, by inspiring him to spend his life in public service, the protesters shared the award.

  15. All depends on the cause, number of people you attract and where you are. For example if you are in China, I don't think it is a good idea to protest about anything!

    If you try and organise a protest to save a tree that is in the way of a highway going through, you will not be successful. If however, there is a major degradation of civil liberties in a free world country, then power will go to the masses.

  16. Not really, the government ignored all the protests about the Iraq war. Politicians will do what they want regardless of what the electorate think.

  17. How about the Boston Tea Party,,,,

  18. Apartheid.

    The 1960's America blacks and whites separated

    to name just 2.

  19. Yes

    Unions - It got them better pay and working conditions in the first half of the 20th century.

    Civil Rights - 1960s

    Vietnam War - Major influence on ending it in early 70s.

  20. Women's rights, first the suffrage movement and in the 60's we burned our bras and "we've come a long way baby".

  21. the truth is it used to but nowadays i dont think so.i havent heard a protest beung one for makes people aware of what is going on but in the end it dosent work.

  22. It just draws alot of attention to you and your cause. It only works for certain protected groups of people. It causes problems for the rest of us.

  23. It did last week in the town where I live.  The local church agreed that T Mobile could erect their mast at the top of the steeple, local residents were outraged, and took to the streets.  The church is yards from a primary school, and tiny tots facilities, which doubles as an after care service.  After much local press attention, and 2 thousand signatures against the mast delivered to the church T Mobile changed their minds.  Parents also threatened to take their children out of school, the tiny tots, and after care.  The church also has Boys Brigade and Girls Brigade activities in the church hall, as well as the sunday school, parents also threatened to stop taking their children to them also.  The Local MP was also involved.

    Hope this helps, and good luck

  24. It worked for the poll tax act....cant remember when that was....about 1980's???

  25. It brought about the end of the Vietnam War.

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