
Does "global warming"?

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have anything to do with the holes in the ozone layer that has forms over the north and south poles




  1. Not really the ozone protects us from ultraviloet lighs and the ozone actually traps infrared lights which causes global warming so not really.

  2. I found this article very helpful in clearing up any questions regarding the connection or lack of connection between global warming and thinning of the ozone layer. Thanks for caring about these important issues!

  3. if you believe global warming is caused by CO2, then no.

  4. Yeah, in that they're both completely natural events that are not caused by man.

    The "ozone hole crisis" was the last made-up environmental crisis. This is the newest one.

    The ozone holes are caused by sunspots. When that was proven to be correct, the environmental movement simply dropped that issue, and created this one.

    Other "crisis" that were found to be natural, that were then dropped and new ones adopted:

    Acid Rain.

    Overpopulation. (wonder why you don't hear that one? At one time, they were saying if we got past 6 billion, we'd ALL be starving because there wasn't enough food. Now there are 7 billion. No problem)

    Cyclamates supposedly were going to poison all our water.

    Global COOLING! (I'm serious, in the late 70's, they were freaking about cooling.)

    I could go on and on, but I'm bored, frankly.

  5. No! for Gods sake.

    ozone layer protects us from the ultravoilet rays of the sun.Its thickness is the least at places mnear the poles e.g. Australia.There the peolple are advised not to venture out in the sun without protective clothing,have to use sun protection lotion,protective eyeglasses,etc.

    The holes in this layer are made by use of chloroflorocarbons (CFC) used exetensively till the nineties by the refrigeration and beauty industry.

    Global warming is a different phenomenon,where the temperature of the world is believed to be rising because of the extensive use of fossil fuels (Gasoline,Diesel,kerosene tec.)When these fuels are burnt they emmit carbon-di-oxide as a by product,which is eventually released in  the atmosphere.

    As the gas is trapped up in the atmosphere,it does what is known as a green house effect. It does not allow the heat of the earth to escape in the atmosphere,leading to more heat in the atmosphere.As a result the global temperatures are rising.It is now estimated that the twentieth century was the hottest century known to mankind.
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