
Does she like me [repost]?

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She lives in Britain i live in Delaware she lived at my house for a week and a couple days. My mother and sisters and her brother and her father came we sat next to each other for like 3 hours just looking at each other. We got there and i started to make a couple jokes and she started to laugh we went a on a ride called gravator its when you lay down and you start spinning and then i was making jokes about me not be able to get up. Then we went to see Handcock and the New Batman movie batman was better. stared To talk through the drive about how they didn't just kill joker when he was a jail my mom drove us home and her dad and my sisters and her brother. We just play with each other through the day like i would poke here. But when she was leaving with her family to Britain we started to say good by and i hugged her hole family but i didn't huge here she made a face at me like i was crazy lol. then i said by Laura i just wanted to see here reaction if i didn't hug her.




  1. She may think your attractive but knows that any kind of a relationship would be hard considering the distance between the two of you. she may play with her bra strap because it needs to be tighter or because she's nervous while she's around you. It would be a good idea to keep in touch with her and keep her for a friend but if you date her you'll end up hurt in the end because of the distance so save yourself the heartache and remain her friend sounds like the two of you would be better off friends...hope this helped you.

  2. jeez 13 is a little young for 9th grade! I'll be 14 going into 8th!

  3. What do I look like one of Dion Warwicks psychic friends  WHY DO PEOPLE ASK THESE QUESTIONS

  4. u wil never know until u ask her so next time u talk to her flirt with her and if she flirts back tel how u feel about her and dont worry about the age difference she is only one grade ahead right?

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