
Does she still like me???

by  |  earlier

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Last year this girl liked me but she didn't admit it. I just started school 2 weeks ago. And I was wondering if she still likes me? When I was playing football with my friends I saw her about 40 yards away looking at me and glancing back to her friends. And the very same day, one of her friends asked me "Do you still like her?". Does she still like me???




  1. duh

  2. I don't know. I really don't. The only way you can ever find out is if YOU ask HER. None of this friend to friend BS. If she liked you last year then there's a chance she might like you again. Like I said: nothing ventured, nothing gained.

    ask her.

    good luck.


  3. It could be that she still does. If you like her go and ask her out.  

  4. yes. if she had her friend go up to you and ask you if you still liked her than yeah, she should still have feelings for you. or unless she was just wondering so she knew if she would have a chance ? if i was the girl, and i had my friend ask you if you still liked me than that would be because i liked you.

    well i hope i helped. if you have aim, i'd love to talk :]

    screenname: mhm its alyciaa

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