
Does society need inequity?

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Does society need inequity in order to thrive? Unless one advocates anarchy, one must admit that in order for society to exist it needs some sort of government and for government to function it needs authority. Authority in turn requires inequity in the respect of which the authority is given. Therefore, that socialism cannot exist, as it is a form of government and government requires authority and authority requires inequity.




  1. Well as Orwell put it some people are "more equal."

    "I doubt not but it will be objected that it is unreasonable for men to be judges in their own cases, that self-love will make men partial to themselves and their friends; and, on the other side, ill-nature, passion, and revenge will carry them too far in punishing others, and hence nothing but confusion and disorder will follow,…I easily grant that civil government is the proper remedy…."  John Locke

    What you say is true.  It is impossible to have free people and socialism the two are incompatible.

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