
Does stress make you ill?

by  |  earlier

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if so how? can you fell and get physically ill?

recently (last week) i've been feelin light headed after work. i

had disturbed sleep 4 a couple nights and i havn't had that since i was depressed. mouth sores. irratable.

but sometimes-i actually feel physically ill




  1. yes streess can make u ill becase ur heart has to work alot harder and ur brain is gettiiin all worked up so yes it can make u illl

  2. It makes my stomach hurt very badly..

    My stomach almost always hurts..ughh..

  3. Hi... I do not know how the body is technically affected by ones stress levels. My husband for example starts to get bad flu symptoms( sore kidneys -usual for him... running nose... sore throat..basically the works) when he is very stressed. we have timed these symptoms to exactly when he is stressed. this happens a regular base, so we are certain that most of the time these flu symptoms are caused through stress.

    It is known that pregnant woman should not get overly stress are these hormones negatively affect the growth of her baby.


  4. I often find myself that I have migraines if I am stressed even if I am not aware that I am stressed if this makes sense.

    Stress and anxiety are the same thing too they create the same feeling. And it doesn't matter if the situation your in is really happening or you are just thinking about it, you get the same chemical reaction in your body.

    If something is worrying you it can make you feel discomfort and it can cause you to have physical symptoms such as a churning stomach.

    You can help yourself by explaining the situation to yourself, either trying to solve the cause of stress or try techniques to send a calm feeling to your body changing the chemical reactions in your mind.


    However if you have experienced depression before maybe it is worth going to your doctor and explaining how you feel.

  5. Yes, stress can weaken your immune system making you more vunerable to illness and infection.  If you have worries on your mind it can make you feel physically sick, I know I'll feel sick in my stomach!

    Try sorting the root of the problem, and hopefully an improvement in your physical well-being will follow.

    Good luck!

  6. definatly. if your stressed, you could eat less which leads to less nutrition...and i knew someone who actually physically would get sick...she would go home from work and throw up and not be able to leave bed/the bathroom. she was loosing weight way to fast. i would suggest a vacation (she didnt get sick once when she took a week off) can also get acne breakouts or ulcers from stress too

  7. Yes it can, if it builds up it can cause all sorts of physical symptoms.

  8. Stress can totally make you physically ill. I lose sleep, lose weight, get horrible dark circles under my eyes. Even my skin and hair look unhealthy. It's crazy.

    The mind and body work together. If one isn't healthy than the other won't be. And stress is unhealthy.  

  9. Well I've never  experienced it personally, but  I do think stress can affect the way you  physically feel.  I see it at home all the time with my boyfriend.  I've never seen someone stress like he does or as often as he does.  He is always complaining of neck, back, head and stomach aches.  He does'nt  get a good night sleep hardly ever. There is nothing seriously wrong with him that would cause that exept for his stress.  So I guess the answer is yes!

  10. Yes. I was doubled over in pain frequently and having painful breathing in my chest/shoulder.  One night I wrote down all of my responsibilities and tried to figure out ways to delegate them to other people and I minimized my to do list.  The illness and pain went away within days.  

  11. Stress can affect everything in your life. Since I suffered a bereavement five years ago, I have suffered with panic attacks, the worst one happening in June of this year and ever since I have had numerous colds, a gallbladder issue, sore throats, jaw problems and wisdom teeth. All of them were caused by being wound up in a knot all day worrying about things and being stressed beyond belief. My immune system is shot to bits. So if you are being affected by stress, find out the cause and sort it out the best way you know how!

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