
Does the earth?

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does it have any relations with mars?




  1. Plenty, both have atmospheres, magnetic fields, solid ground (unlike the gas giants Jupiter, Neptune, Uranus), and in recent days, have or haved contained water from evidence of frozen hydrogen in the polar caps.

  2. The earth does pass Mars every year or two, sort of like passing someone in the halls at school or work.  Other than the few things we've sent there, and the meteorites that are thought to have come from Mars, I don't know of other relations between them.

  3. Why, Ms. Scott, what ARE you implying??

  4. Well---------- both are inside the solar system.

  5. many say that yes , and i do believe so, possible life can mean all relation

  6. many, that is why we feel we can survive on mars

  7. There is a possibility. I mean there could be life on mars and our planet is mostly reflected to mars.

  8. NO
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