
Does this disturb you???

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This is a part of an article I recently saw on wikipedia....

In the United States, there is widespread disapproval of atheists. As a result, there has only been one openly Atheist member of Congress in history; Pete Stark. According to, 52% of Americans claim they would not vote for a well-qualified atheist for president. More recently a 2007 Gallup poll produced nearly identical results. A 2006 study at the University of Minnesota showed atheists to be the most distrusted minority among Americans. In the study, Sociologists Penny Edgell, Joseph Gerties and Douglas Hartmann conducted a survey of American public opinion on attitudes towards different groups. 40% of respondents characterized atheists as a group that "does not at all agree with my vision of American society," putting Atheists well ahead of every other group, with the next highest being Muslims (26%) and homosexuals (23%). When participants were asked whether they agreed with the statement, "I would disapprove if my child wanted to marry a member of this group," Atheists again led minorities, with 48% disapproval, followed by Muslims (34%) and African-Americans (27%).

The full article can be seen here-




  1. Yes it does disturb me. But remember. It's the Christians who are discriminated against. So what do I have to complain about.

  2. Because wikipedia is always 100% right with the sats'.

  3. one nation under God.

  4. Yes, it is very bad to hear that again.

    Hopefully, one day atheists will have a stronger place in government.

  5. Sara I really don't see the problem here . In this one study 52 % said they would not vote for an atheist. Why would that be disturbing to you given that 70 % of americans are Christian ?  Besides that... This is your typical liberal Jargon promoting atheist and other groups  as this victimized minority when in reality these numbers reflect perfectly the percentages of atheist and christians and how they would vote based on their beliefs .. Are you suggesting we force people to vote against their wills by enacting affirmative action and quotas ? We have seen what these types of laws have produced in the past are you sure you want to duplicate that in the present ?.... No I don't find it distubing.. Anyways I hope this helped...God bless you !

  6. I am an atheist yet I can't say that it disturbs me.

  7. Meh... its disturbing but about par the course for this country...  

  8. it just puts everyting into perspective dosent it. we should live in a time and era where religion is the last thing to be judged by a person. too many religious nuts.  

  9. Dont bother me.

  10. It doesn't surprise me.  The American electorate is not the best educated electorate out there.  After they, they did elect Dubya twice.  

  11. Robert Heinlein once wrote, "When is the majority EVER right?" I enjoy being part of a rational minority. Like Holly Golightly, I have all the friends I can have, and before I can have one more, someone has to die. So, if the religionistas don't like me... I don't care.

  12. It just goes to show how ignorant people can be.

    Especially Americans.

  13. christians are low lifes

  14. For one thing, Wikipedia is reader-generated, and often far from factual.  

    The last part is disturbing where we read "African-Americans."  I know a man who came here from Africa and is now and American citizen, yet is loyal to America and doesn't call himself "African-American."  He's caucasian, by the way.  The term is a misnomer.  Few blacks are from Africa and those who split their loyalties between countries should ask themselves where they'd prefer to be.


  15. blah blah blah....

  16. Whilst educational systems all over the world continue to 'teach' our children that we atheists are 'devil worshippers' and the like, this c**p will persist.  I've had emails from close relatives living in the States, asking me to agree that atheists are the scum of the Earth.., some even going as far as to suggest that we should be wiped of the planet.Close relatives that know that I am a life-long atheist.These relatives have good standards of living due foremost to the hard work of my grandfather, who was also an atheist.  So soon they forget.

  17. While it saddens me, it does not surprise me.  While there is supposed to a separation between church and state, the governing body is supposed to reflect the American people, and the majority of American people still identify, in some way with a religion.

  18. Canada did a survey like that and the disapproval rate was even higher in some areas. Atheists need to really think about educating the public. I really think that the militant "Dawkins" like atheists have hurt atheists in general. There are places where it is illegal for an atheist to work. The world would not accept such discrimination of any other group.  

  19. Shows how far we have to go.

  20. And of course wikipedia is a reliable source???

    Most of the stuff at this site is placed there by anyone who wants to take the time to sit and write it and post it. It don't have to be 100% correct, just space filler. Just like youtube opinions!

  21. I could throw up that is so disgusting.

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