
Does this happen to be weird?

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I'm almost 17 and I don't even have a driver's permit yet. MY friends think it's really weird but my parents seem to not even care that I don't. I have completely studied for the permit test thingy, but I just simply haven't gone to get it yet.

Also, is it weird that I think driving looks like a pain in the A$$? The controls on cars look so stupid and primitive.




  1. no you are normal.  I have my liscence but no cell phone and that is not normal

  2. No worries...I didn't get my license until I was 19 years old. Didn't buy my first car until I was graduated from college.

    If you don't have to drive, don't. It's a pain.

  3. It's not weird!  My roommate in college didn't get her license until she was 19 or 20.  If you don't really NEED it, I wouldn't worry about it.  It's different now - gas prices are so high, it's not like you can go cruising around town or anything.

  4. You are obviously too sophisticated for today's automobile. perhaps a Transporter would be better suited to your needs.

  5. It gets easier with more experience. Get you licence and drive. It won't be such a big deal after a while. But, don't feel weird. More people than you know get them later in life. I did.

  6. Dude, you know that Hitler and Stalin didn't get their driver's licenses until they were seventeen, right?

    I don't want the earth to suffer another genocide. Either get a driver's license or kill yourself

    please...think of the children

  7. Yeah it is weird. I went to get my permit and when I saw adults with the yellow piece of paper, I laughed to myself, even though most of them were Hispanic and couldn't have gotten one earlier since they must be immigrants. Yes, some of the controls are weird, but the basic "buttons" like gas and break pedals, steering wheel and signal lever, are easily accessible and take no time to learn. If one of my friends didn't have their permit yet, I'd bug him to get it everyday until he got d up and did it.

  8. I'm 27 and never got a license.  At first because I couldn't afford it, after that it was choice.  I quite like public transport, gives me time to think (one of my favourite pasttimes) and I love walking, even in rain and snow and freezing bloody cold.


  9. I'm 24 and don't have a license, and I don't want one.

  10. I am 19 and learning now. it's kind of good in a way as it means I waited till I am older with more money so i can get a good car while a couple years ago I wouldn’t of been able to.

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