
Does this seem weird to you?

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Went on 3 dates with this guy. Our last date was 3 weeks ago. When I was with him, he would open doors and pay for me, would text to just say hi and see how I was doing. He told me in his last message that whenever he hears from me, it makes him smile. I told him I feel the same. We're in our late 20's, both a tad shy, and only hugged at the end of the 3 dates. It's almost been 2 weeks and I haven't heard from him. I called him the other day to see how he's doing and I left a voice mail, but haven't heard from him.

Does it seem weird to you that he's avoiding me? Would you have gotten the sense that he liked me, based on the things he was doing a few weeks ago? Should I basically give up on this guy?




  1. He maybe has someone else that he's seeing, or maybe he's on the rebound.  Yes, it is weird, but that's life.  He's inconsiderae, but he has not really done anything to you.  I would leave him one last message and after that, I would say Fuzz him and move on with your life.  He also sounds a little cowardly.

  2. If you do not hear from him very soon... move on  being shy he probably wants to avoid having to break off a relationship that never was.  If he call back invite him out or ask him to come over  In my opinion he is history...move on now.

  3. he has met another lady. x*x

  4. either he was playing games or he realized you weren't the one for him.  cut your loses and head for the hills.  oh and no matter how you rephrase and repost the same question,  the answer is still the same.  go back on match and try again...

  5. I don't think I'd give up, but I definitely wouldn't sit around waiting for him, either.  Go out and meet other people.  Have fun with the girls and see if they have any friends that would like to go out with you.  Right now you're not committed to anyone so the world is yours for the taking.

  6. If you say that you are both a tad shy then maybe that's his problem. You say you have only hugged 3 times so maybe he is worried about the fact he needs to make the next move. I would organize a night out with all your friends guys and girls and then text him to let him know the plans. If he goes then give him another chance, if not then don't bother.

  7. seems to me like he found someone else. u guys have not moved on to the next level yet so he feels like he does not have to break up with u because u guys were never together

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