
Does this sound fair to you?

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My dad has always had a college fund for me and my siblings (there are two others). He had a good job owning a construction business. He told me a long time ago that I wouldn't have to worry about paying for college. He got hit hard in the recent housing problem and his company had to shut down. He told my brother and I ( and I am assuming my sister, she wasn't in the room with us at the time) that he couldn't pay for college now because he and my step mom are moving to Pueto Rico after we are all done with High School. Is that not insane? I recently asked my mom if she had any way of helping me with college and she said she hadn't even thought about it and has no money saved up. Am I acting spoiled or is this no fair. I really need some advice soon, so please help. It's not like they didn't think I would go to college, I have had straight A's all through out my life except for Algbra, first semester in the ninth grade.





  1. The question is not whether this is fair or not. First, you are at a point in your life where you shouldn't be depending on your parents income and where you should learn how to make decisions on your own. There are alot of scholarships, grants, and loans out there to pay for college and you are not alone. Just grow up and take responsibility for you're own self because you're parents wont always be there for you. Welcome to the Real World!

  2. You should never assume that college is paid for. You can still go to college, you will just have to take out loans and probably go to a community college for the first two years and an in state school the next two. Also, plan of working part time the entire time you are in school and full time in the summer. It will be hard work, but you can go to college if you put your mind to it.

  3. I've been here before......I always thought my parents had some secret college fund saved up.  Nope I had to get financial aide, loans that I'm still paying back, and scholarships. You will be fine. Just don't skip out on college, you have worked too hard to get here.

    Its really not your parents fault, the economy is going through a tough time. This has hit everyone. Just be thankful for the opportunities you have had so far. Good Luck with colllege!  College life is so much fun!

  4. Things happen, you cant blame your dad for what happend.  If your grades were so great then theres scholarships, or you can do Financial Aid like grants and loans.  Its not the end of the world.

  5. Since your father no longer has the income to pay for you college expenses, you will probably receive more financial aid.  Also look for schools that base some scholarship on your high school GPA.  Personally I paid for my entire college education and went to private school.  Yes, I have to pay $170 a month for the next 20 years, well 17 now, but it was well worth it.  I would suggest going to a state school where tuition is much less.  I understand it is disappointing when you expected for you college to be paid for, but these things happen all the time.

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