
Does this sound suspicious?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, so this guy was telling us on the radio that he was selling a sidekick for 80 bucks. My mom called him, and he said he lived in a really bad drug addict city, and he told her that he would meet her at a gas station near his house. But he also said that the evenings were best for her to meet him. And when we called, he didn't know the name of the phone. is that wierd? and should we get the phone or not? I think he stole it, and if we buy it, and it is, they'll track it.




  1. Tell your Mum NOT to go. It sounds very suspicious and she could be putting herself in danger. It's not worth it for a phone. Don't do it!

  2. I would recommend NOT going.

    But if she must, have a police officer near by.

    Oh an not to fall for the 'Oh, whoops, I'm sorry ma'am.. I must have left your phone in my car. Let's go get it.'

    Good luck

  3. No, let this deal of the century pass you by.  It sounds unsafe, you don't know who this person is, they aleady admitted they live in a bad neighborhood and then he wants to meet you at a gas station at NIGHT?  This sounds like a crime being potentially planned and you could be the victim. Moreover, you don't want to find yourself being charged for receiving stolen goods, either which could be the least of your problems if you go forward with this.

  4. If it sounds too good to be true, then it usually is.

    meeting someone in a bad neighborhood at night is not the best idea, and buy something you think is stolen just because it is cheep, is another bad idea.

  5. dont do it

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