
Does this straightener work?

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i know,its not the best, but I really would like a straightener, and i dont wanna spen 100 dollars on it. I would also like to know if walmarts andis straighteners work?


Ease 10 points, yo!!!!!!! LOl. xD




  1. Is it the one that has steam blow out of it? It looks like it. I used that uses really humid steam...which just makes your hair even frizzier after a few minutes. Conair is not a very good brand at all. Get a CHI or the generic CHI.

  2. I've not ever used these straightners but tbh, they dont look that great, You can always tell by the price. If its that cheap, it most likely not gonna be that great, There also very thick and chunky. Usually, if a straightners good, it wont be that big.

    Buy GHD's

    they rule!!!!

  3. I have a cheaper Revlon ceramic plate from Walmart for 20 bucks and works just fine, had it for about 2 years now.

  4. Yep. Pretty much any straightener that is ceramic and above 25-30 $$ will work well! I have a Chi and my friend has some other hair straightener that was less expensive, and personally i think hers works better!

  5. Yes, it works. I used to have it. Any straightener will "work". It's the quality that you are looking for. It straightens your hair, but, it's very damaging. This is because, even though its ceramic, only the outside layer of metal is ceramic. The inside is just regular old metal. It also doesn't leave your hair very smooth. It feels somewhat straw like. Not completely, but you can do much better. My current straightener was made by Jose Eber, who is a hair stylist to many many celebrities. I actually got it at a mall kiosk. It was $150 but I got it for $80. It works like a dream. It's better than the chi too. I say you could buy the one at target for now, but keep your eyes open for good deals on higher quality ones. Trust me, you will never go back. Good luck, have fun, and stay beautiful ♥

  6. yess;...

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