
Does this tickle you?

by  |  earlier

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one day a mother in law decides to visit her son, so she gets to his house, and theres no answer so she proceeds to go round to the back where she sees the backdoor is unlocked, so in she goes, and ventures in to the lounge to find her daughter in law stretched out naked on the sofa, theres candles burning on a table and a botttle of expensive wine ready to pour into some beautiful crystal glasses, "oh my dear god i am sorry" says the mother in law, but whats with all this? ther daughter in law replies, i do this for charlie, he goes wild when he sees me in my nudity, i call it my love dress. and the wine and candles are so romantic. so anyway the mother in law makes her way home and thinks to herself hmmmm im gonna try that for bill when he gets home, so she gets out the candles and the wine, and shes led naked on the sofa, when bill walks in and says "oh for christ sakes woman what the h**l are you doing? she said" i was trying to be romantic, i thought you might like my love dress", he said" well you could have at least bloody ironed it before you put it on!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. LOL


    thats funny (=

  2. yes it okay

  3. No it doesn't tickle me!

    It's a bloody joke!

  4. not the best joke

  5. Not bad :)

  6. so funny!

  7. funny

    your picture scares me :(

  8. LOL!!

    That was PRICELESS!

    Rofl!!!! hahahaha

    That one was good.

  9. Sure

  10. Its ok :P Not worth alllll that reading tho!:P

  11. yh thats a good 1 sis

  12. ooooh

  13. LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. yeah kinda =]


  16. HAHA PMSL i actually laughed out loud at that, brilliant!!!!!

  17. Lol that was funny and cute.

  18. Ha ha.  I like it :)

  19. haha, funny :D

  20. LOL yes!

  21. ehe..wrinkles..silly. thats a silly joke so it tickles me enough for a mental giggle.  

  22. haha lol : )
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