
Does your breath smell?

by  |  earlier

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Do you have bad breath that others just cannot stand?




  1.;... need to get out more....

    Just brush your teeth, floss and visit the dentist....and quit with the dopey questions.....they belong in the poll section....

  2. Nop. Only when I get up in the morning but I wash my teeth and goes away thru the whole day. How about yours?????

  3. bad breath cannot be possible for me because i have kept a good dental hygiene program.  i practice proper brushing and flossing that carefully, effectively and successfully removes plaque which is the cause of all sorts of dental problems.  i regularly visit my dental hygienist for a professional cleaning to keep an eye on the condition of my teeth and gums. added to that i also use an all natural product such as OraMD that has essential oils which greatly helps in promoting oral hydration, killing bad bacteria, washing away food debris, promoting fresh breath and leaving the whole mouth clean.

  4. no

  5. lol nice question.

    I had a teacher in 8th grade that had terrible breath, it was some medical problem.

    But everyone has bad morning breath!

  6. no i do not, because unlike some people i brush my teeth at least twice a day

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