
Does your cat chew on plastic?

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Every time I bring plastic grocery bags home, my cat wants to chew up the bags. What do you think is the problem?




  1. Someone had told me that fish oil is sometime used in the production of plastic bags and that's why they like to l**k it.

    Don't let your cat chew it, it might get a blockage inside and that is dangerous & very expensive, as the vet will need to operate to remove the plastic.

    Best to keep the plastic bags away from your cat, and as someone has already suggested, use recycle bags instead.

    Bag handles can entangle around the cat's neck, so don't let it play with bags, however amusing it may seem, just put all bags away after use, or cut off the handles of a old bag so the cat can play & hide till it's heart content.

  2. no this ussualy isnt a problem it might be teething or just cats ussualy go inside the bags but like to play with them also  

  3. yes....I think it's the noise the plastic makes that interests them

  4. lol. my cats LOVE to do that. it's the sound of the bags they love. and having FUN :D

  5. It might just like the sound it makes.. my cat chews on it sometimes, too. But break it out of the habit, the kitty can choke or something. ):

  6. stop bringing plastic bags home, they end up in whales blowholes and they are bad for the enviroment. the next time they ask you paper or plasic say neither. get a recycled recyclable bag. save the WORLD! stop global warming. the earth needs you!

  7. my cat does that too. it's the noise that attract them. she chews but does not eat the plastic. it's ok.

  8. My cat always chews on bags lol like the food store bags and plays with them dont no if this helps but nothing wrong with my cat.

  9. My cat does the same thing. I don't think it really is a problem, I think that maybe it feels good to them. Like they're almost chewing on gum or something similar to that.

  10. My cat likes to snack on styrofoam.  I can't leave any of it laying around anywhere.  If I do, I find chunks of it he has carried around the house, with a trail of the little white dots all over.

    One time he got his leg caught in the handle of a plastic bag and just about went crazy - like the Tasmanian Devil in a whirl shaking his leg and running around the house like a T-Rex was after him.  ROTFLMFAO.  The funniest thing I ever saw.

  11. Yes, my cat does the same thing. But my cat also chews on EVERYTHING.  

  12. Books, the lap top, bags, the guitar, everything tastes good.  Oh, did I forgot my toes?  

    And the biting!  Elbows, knees, toes, fingers.  Somehow, biting them feels good!!!

  13. Duh all of them do that its fun you should try it  

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