
Does your preschool trash the floor?

by Guest21580  |  earlier

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I'm talking at the end of the day it looks like a pig trough. there is loads of beans and rice ( from the sensory tables ) scattered all about, big pieces of paper, play dough ground in the carpet. does urs look like this at the end of the day too?




  1. No.  You need to clean up occasionally throughout the day to keep up.  Also, are you asking the children to clean up things?  Even at this age they need to be responsible for cleaning up the area they were playing.  If they are intentionally throwing beans on the floor from the sensory table, give them the broom.  Before a child leaves a center area, have them clean up things like the big pieces of paper before they can move to another area.

    The children shouldn't be doing this all by themselves, the cleaning that is.  As the teacher, clean as you go, and the children should be following the same rule, cleaning as they go, relevant to their ages at least.  I'm assuming these children are 3-5 year olds.

  2. There should be be adequate staffing enough to keep the center cleaned up a bit. It is for the health and safety of the children. I am not talking about absolutely spotless, however, if there things from the sensory table all over the floor, and paper there is no reason for it not to be cleaned up. some preschool center's max out the teacher's though with children where there is no extra time to clean up. would you rather have your child properly supervised or a clean classroom? It could also mean lack of experience on the teacher's part too though. She may have not organized her time well or let the children get involved in activites more suitable for earlier times. at the end of the day children should be having circle time, or table time activites that are not going to require too much clean up time right before it is time to go home.

  3. I would be worried if it were too clean at the end of the. At least if it is messy you know they have been doing their job and teaching the children...Playing with them! Yes my preschool has a look of dishevel every day when I go get my son!

  4. No it doesn't look trashed at the end of the day b/c we are a co op preschool and always have a parent assigned to areas to help interact w/ the children AND keep it in order, for obvious reasons. We will sweep during class to keep it safe and we don't have our play dough on the carpet. It's nice being in a co op and having so many parents there to help and's great for the kids to have such a good adult/child ratio too. I would totally suggest going to a co op if you feel your preschool is looking trashed (ie: unsafe and dirty, etc) and are worried. They are amazing programs and worth it, imo.

  5. As a preschool teacher, i will tell you my class NEVER looks like that, WHEN I LEAVE, but at the end of the children's day the room is in shambles.

    As a parent of a preschooler, I would be worried if her class were too clean at the of her day.

    MESSY = kids having fun!!!!!

  6. No.  We constantly rotate cleaning during the day.  After a messy activity such as the sensory table, we sweep it up (safety hazard if someone slips).  Large pieces of paper from crafting or playdough is picked up, then after lunch time we sweep the floor again to get all the small stuff before naptime.  The kids are enlisted to help clean up toys at certain intervals of the day, such as before snack, after center time, and before lunch.  We use the playdough and other messy substances over the linoleum floor for easy cleanup, and always put a mat/tarp/blanket under the areas of painting (even though it's on the linoleum too) and sensory table area.  Of course, it makes a difference that we have a staff of 4 with as many as 16 kids per day, so that ratio really allows us to have the opportunity to clean during the day that other, smaller staffed, centers may not have.

  7. nope.  we sweep up the sensory table at the end of every choice time and the play doh stays away from the carpeting.  Kids assist in the clean up of paper and the classroom as the day goes on.

  8. no

  9. No, we constantly clean at the end of each session, before meal times, during rest times and at the end of the day. i would be a bit worried if ur preschool doesnt have a high level of cleanliness and hygiene

  10. i see my sister's preschool sometimes after school. but it NEVER looks like that. you should find out if the preschool has janitors.

  11. yes, if I haven't had the time/energy to make them clean it up!  Although I did have to sweep after every 20 min in the sensory table, for safety's sake....

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