
Does your taste in guys change??

by  |  earlier

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Hey im a recently turned 22 year old g*y guy!! I was wondering,

At the moment I seem to be attracted to guys between the ages of probably 18-28ish - let me give a few examples:

Josh Hartnett, orlando bloom, Zach Efron, Michael Chad Murray, Andy roddick to name a few

however I dont really find anyone older than around 28 attractive, when they show even the slightest signs of aging, for example these are all people that are suposed to be "HOT" that i just think are...well old and do nothing for me....

Daniel Craig, george clooney, Clive Owen, Johnny Depp, Antonio Banderas etc

so I was wondering if your taste in men matures as you get older and say when im late 20s or 30 I will be able to appreciate people my age or if Il always be going after the early 20s!!! which would make relationships a little tricky!





  1. yea i used to like jocks h

    then i started liking scaters

    and now i like preppy jocks

  2. Yes as you grow and mature so will your taste in men. Keep an open mind as you go through life you never know who you'll meet.

  3. I think it depends on the person. I know some men who only like going out with guys who are 20 or more years younger than themselves. Likewise, there are some young guys who only date older men.

    From my experience, my taste in men has definitely changed. Not so much as in how old the guys are but the type. When I was younger I used to be attracted to guys with blue eyes and blond hair and with a certain "look." There was a g*y p**n star named Shawn Michaels (not the wrestler) that I was totally hot for but as I got older that look turned me off.

    Also, the guys that I didn't like when I was younger I'm now finding myself being attracted to. So in my case, my taste in men has changed. Right now I seem to be attracted to goofy-cute guys that look like Ryan Gosling or Michael Phelps.

    And as far as your older guy list the only two I would pick would be Clooney and Depp. Although DNC chair Howard Dean has something about him that makes me yearn, LOL!

  4. Not really, they just have to have a compatible mind. beyond that it's every man for himself. Or is it myself?

  5. Your tastes will broaden, definitely.

    You'll probably always think that a man in his mid-20's or so is hot (I know I do), but you'll also begin to see sexiness in older guys as well, when those older guys are your peers.

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