
Doesn't this bother you?

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When a person treats you like c**p and has no respect for you whatsoever, then you have a conflict with him/her and you begin to cry and that's when they have sorrow and compassion for you?! Why do they feel bad when you burst into tears, but your feelings don't matter when you're not weeping?! Why can't they always treat you with respect whether you're crying or not?! In other words, they humble themselves and soften their hearts towards you only after you start balling when you have a dispute with them?! If that were you, how would you bear this?




  1. oh yea that bothers me. unfortunately it happens all the time. but its just with guys.

  2. I can agree with your viewpoint.  I believe the reason why people seem to have more compassion when you are crying is because, people are usually moved by someone's tears. (Unless they are a total insensitive jerk) Anyway, I think that no matter what the circumstance, whether there are tears or not, everyone should be treated with respect. Unfortunately we live in world where people are filled with hate, insensitivity, and carelessness.  I think that it takes having a personal relationship with Christ to help those that have issues in that area.  God can help those that have problems with being sensitive.  The bottom line is that without him in our lives we can't love or be loved effectively.

  3. In my experience crying has never helped my case, I don't win respect that way, maybe only pity which I don't want. I have conditioned myself over the years to never show my hurt if I can help it. I'll prefer to rather look at theat person who is hurting me in a way that makes them crumble, usually that works better on people who are inherantly hardened. But if I see that person is capable of learning something about life or willing to change for the better, only then will I try to talk about what they did that hurt me.

  4. When people act like this it makes you wonder how genuine they really are when all of a sudden they finally have feelings for you.

  5. Yes,it's awful,that people have hard hearts,remeber when God hardened Pharohas Heart,It took the death of his first born son,to finally let go.That's why a lot of people now days have problems and blame God for them,when it's there own fault,they are where they are.Have them read Matthew 5. You know the BE Attitudes.This should be every Christians ATTITUDE

  6. Jesus, wept...

    Sometimes a tear is softens the heart.  When the heart is soften, with a meek and gentle approach, plant some seed...

  7. I think it is a lack of respect for others. We should always treat others the way we want them to treat us. In other words do unto others as you would have them do unto you. When someone treats me with malice I just walk away. i don't have to put up with the hurt. I don't like conflict. Sometimes it pays to just keep your mouth shut and walk away. I was always taught to respect others. and to treat them the way I would want them to treat me. God bless.

  8. Perhaps making you cry makes this person feel powerful.  There are some real jerks in the world.

  9. i have seen like this before but honest to you it don't make any sense.

    let me try my best to explain it....(example)....a man treat a like like a c**p then she cried , while she cry then that man feel sorry for her. the question if he was mean to her in the first place then why go soft on her?


    this is different one....if a person is good with fake cry, i see how lot of them good with fake crying, then sudden someone let that fake crying win.

    i wish i can explain it better , hope this is good enough.

  10. they are just feeling guilty for making you cry; these are only crocodile tears---they are fake, have you ever seen the tears on a crocodile?  their eyes look like they are crying--eyes look watery. Also, they enjoy making others feel less than human for it gives them a sense of superiority; they have issues and this is evident by how they treat people

  11. Because when you break down they know they have got you exactly where they want you and it makes them feel good. Once you cry they dont have to carry on they have won, then they can back down a little.

  12. Respect has to be earned ...does not just happen ...somewhere you allowed disrespect to be shown and it grows ...

    Ask yourself this...Why am I with someone who disrespects me  (whats in this relationship for me ) ...don't you deserve better than this .......?...Demand it or leave .

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