
Doesn't time make you sad?

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I don't know about you,but I get so sad when I think about time. Everything I've ever done good/bad is only a memory now and will never be relived again. The only thing people can ever do is think about the future.

Think about it- You've read this question. it is now a memory. you can read it again,but the feeling and the vibe will never be the same....It's deppresing when I think about it real hard




  1. While you waste time and energy connecting to the past and jumping into the future, you today in all its glory.

  2. I know! im 15 and im already thinking about time.

    I hope when i get old they will find a cure to look young haha, and feel it.!


  3. No! I think time's just a sense we have --like the sense of taste or smell or depth perception. It's a way for people to processs small amounts of the world around them. I think we couldn't handle a lifetime of information at once, so we perceive things as being spread out over a series of "time". Makes it bearable. On the bright side, you can recreate happy memories by repeating behaviors that lead to said happy events. You also have the comfort of knowing that no unhappy event will last forever. Sometimes you want to pause time and savor a moment, but sometimes knowing that the time will pass and life will go on is the only thing that gets us by. Give and take. I also think that knowing every moment is fleeting and irreplaceable makes you appreciate it more. Also, since memories are constructions, they tend to be inaccurate. And when we remember good times, we can forget minor unpleasant details, and the memory can actually end up being better than the actual experience was.

  4. Time is a cruel force, but one that we must bear.

    Haha, it's not like we can do anything about it, right?

  5. I completely agree with you

  6. Time creates and destroys.

    Time can onyl sadden you if you value only the first time.

    Time however creates many first times - for example, rereading the question seems much alike the memory, however that moment is unique by a myriad of small and often uncared for diffrences. It will be a first of its kind and a last -giving way to new ones.

    Time is neither the past nor the future but is the present moment where we can define time as having a past and future.

    If you are feeling depressed by that, then what ae loosing and what are not seeing? What you focus on in it is the difference - and you have only now (and the next now .... ) to make that choice and a habit of how to look at it.

  7. Time doesn't make me sad. Time is nothing but a constant reminder that this is our life, and its ending one minute at a time. That sounds like a cruel way of putting it, but if you think about it like that, what else can you do? Sit around feeling sorry for yourself because everything we do eventually turns into memory?? NO, go out and live your life the best way you know how! The way I see it, make all of the memories that you can because when you get old and you have children pointing at you and screaming because they know they'll become what you are, you can sit back and feel good about yourself because you will be able to remember the times when you were the little kid pointing at old people and screaming. ( Same concept with all your other memories, thats just the first thing that came to mind. ) Just remember, for every one memory you have that can't be relived, there are a thousand new and exciting experiences out there for you to make new memories with.

  8. Thinking about it, yes.

    Waiting for it, yes.

    Wasting it, yes.

    Using it, no.

    It's that thing that makes everything come... go... and *happen*.

    Time spent in the depths of your memory is useless, but useful.

    Time is confusing. Sometimes i wish there was a fast forward button so I could be older, but come to think of it, this could be the best time of my life (15 years and still living). Sometimes I wish there was a control Z for everything, but that makes overcoming problems that have been created easy to get over with and that is not the point of living. You see, I thought I understood time, but writing about it now makes it even more confusing although it is just a measurement through space.

  9. Actually, dwelling on the past and worrying/dreaming about the future are both a big waste of the present. Perhaps you feel bad because you didn't appreciate the past when it was the present. Why continue doing it?

  10. The older I got, the less time mattered.  The past is gone, can't do a thing about it. Thus it is immaterial.  The future is not here yet, and the only thing left is NOW.  Which is already past tense.


  11.   It's not so much the passage of time that makes me sad it's those I've lost during that movement of the clock.   The person I was 5 years ago physically is vastly different than the fellow that is typing away at 6:21am central daylight time, 3 August, 2008...   Back then I was running everyday, working out, more active.  Knees are wore out today, can't run and not nearly as active at the gym.   That is a bummer for me..

  12. What a fabulous thoughtful question.

    I started getting depressed about time when I was 9 years old with the same thoughts.

    I realised later that the present cannot exist.  Everything must either be in the past or in the future, since the present is a vanishing point infinitely small.  Even these thoughts, by the time the electric signals have reached my fingers, they are long in the past.

    Yet the word "present" still exists, and nearly everyone knows what it means.

    We get round this I think by blurring the edges.  Instead of being the vanishing point it really is, we can say it is the last and next few seconds.  That brings in this message.  Or the last and next few minutes.  Now I can have breakfast.  Or the last and next few hours...

    The more we blur it, the bigger the present is.  Only if we go back to the start of time and on to the end of time does the future and the past cease to exist.

    So we are free to define the present we can handle, no more, no less.

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