
Dog Behavioral Question...?

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I have a 3 month old GSD/Husky mix that is very good with commands and coming when called when were inside...but outside she gets distracted, and acts as if she has her own this normal for this age? and will it get better? or should i work with her more? Thanks in advance...




  1. For this age it is very normal- recall is a hard thing to teach

    everything outside is sooo new and fun

  2. Yes, she is distracted by all the stuff outside.  Wouldn't you be?

    I highly encourage obedience classes.  Not only will they give you the proper tools for effective training, but they are fun & a great bonding experience between you & your dog!  You might just decide to do more with your dog - like participate in agility or obedience competitions or even have him certified to become a therapy dog.  Good luck!

  3. It's normal for puppies to get distracted outside. It's also a common trait in huskies not to come when called; particularly when outside. Definitely work with her more - best if inside a fenced area (tennis courts work great). But keep in mind if she's got husky in her there's no 100% guarantee she'll ever be reliable with an off-leash recall.  

  4. Be firm in your training  

  5. GSD are smart but need OB training.

    Yes it is normal for her age, but if not corrected will continue.

    No it will not get better unless you make it better.

    First off I would not take her outside without a leash if she will not come back when you call her.

    I would get at least 20 feet of lead rope and let it out some and walk away from her and then turn around and call her to you. If she does not listen then snap the lead and say "come". If she still does not listen then start reeling her in still using the word come.

    When you get her to you praise her, then do it all over again.

    She is young so do not do it no more then 10 to 15 minutes at a time.

    She will eventually catch on and listen.

  6. When they are that young of course they will be distracted.  She has so many things to smell, hear, see, and it would be very distracting.  Try working on doing different activities with her outside and as she gets older she will probably pay attention to you.  But for right now let her explore some.  This is the same thing with my dog and he is one!  As you do more activities with he rand time passes, she should respond better.  

  7. I have a 5 month old pure German Shepherd and he is the exact same way.  He listens really well up until we are outside.  Then he pretends he cant hear me when I call him.  I asked our vet about this and he said that it is really normal and to expect the behavior until he is an adult.  He did however recommend that I continue working on the training with him. So to answer your question, yes it is normal behavior.

    Good Luck!

  8. I have a german shepherd dog, he is 9 yrs old and acts the same. They are great inside but when they get outside like you said they get distracted. I think its just in there nature so make sure your being hard with them as they can get very stubborn. As shes young try and work with her more so that unlike my dog she becomes as nice as she is inside as she is outside. Good luck!

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