
Dog breeding solutions?

by  |  earlier

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after watching bbc1's programme on pedigree dog breeding i am shocked and stuned by the severity of the problems with some of our best loved breeds. Iwould like to hear peoples views and opinions on how we can improve this situation. Should all dogs have to be health checked before being bred from? And should inbreeding be banned?




  1. The breeders I know do thorough health testing, and yes I think they all should be health tested.

  2. Responsible dog breeders DO many health checks on their dogs and they don't inbreed.

  3. Yes imbreeding should be banned So should unhealthy dogs being breed!  

  4. All dogs should have health checks before being bred from. Boycott these puppy farms..if no one buys their puppies they will have to cut back on breeding. Keep reporting these breeders to the appropriate authorities...they are easy to pick. Reputable breeders usually have limited puppies available per year and often have waiting lists for their puppies. Exposing people who care for nothing but money is the best way to get these practices stopped and the kennels shut down.  

  5. A lot of reputable breeders that know what they are doing and do not have problems culling, that means killing, not just removing from the gene pool, do line and inbreed.

    You can keep certain traits and increase the % of some behaviors being passed along by judiciously using these practices.

  6. I have an idea, now go with me on this.... ok ready?


  7. I think all breeders should have their dogs all health checked, and only the healthy ones bred.

    And there should be some scheme that you could have the breeders that do health check their dogs labelled: GOOD

    and the ones that don't and the pups could have inherited diseases: BAD

    so then we know what puppy's to get, and we would know they would live long healthy happy lives :D

  8. You need to find repeatable folks out there in the dog world- Labs and G.Sheps are 2 of the most over breed dogs in the country.I would have all dog's' used in show checked out by a good Veterinarian .If you know the person involved with the breeding than you shouldn't need to worry as much.I know that the county I live in  has many repeatable breeders etc.

  9. Responsible breeders are already testing their dogs for the health problems within their breed. It's the bybers and puppy mills who aren't testing their dogs. Breeding should be limited to those who do it properly, responsibly and to better the breed. Improper breeding by people who are breeding merely to produce a litter, those people should be banned from breeding, and in many cases from owning dogs entirely.

  10. As one who sees many, many breeds in the show rings, I'd say much of what was displayed in that show was trumped up animal rights n**i propaganda.  I strongly suggest each and every person freaking out about that show on here GO to a dog show!  MEET the breeders.  MEET the dogs.  Use your own gray matter between your ears and conjure up an independent thought, and don't be a lemming charging off whatever cliff the TV and media points you to.  Do your OWN thinking.

  11. Yes i think all dogs should have full health checks and x-rays sent to the british veterinary association for scoring of hips and elbows etc etc.

    It would help, still would not stop people breeding and being cruel such as puppy farms but it may make the percentage smaller.

  12. no. some we make it so blacks cant have kids with Mexican. or the whites cant have kids with Asians. NO. people should stop trying to control everything. mixing a breed doesnt mean there going to have problems it just happens.

    oh and im not being racist  

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