
Dog costumes..............?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, last year my mom, her friend, and I entered my dog and my mom's friend's dog in a Halloween costume contest. We lost because we didn't make our own costumes. lol

Anyway my dog (a mini schnauzer) is going to be a s'more but I don't know what my mom's friend's dog is going to be. I want it to be a couple (maybe a hotdog?) costume that is somewhat easy to make. He (my mom's friend's dog) is smaller then a mini schnauzer (idk what he is).

Any suggestions?

NOTE:It will be on for a few seconds just to take a picture and send it in. So do not criticize me fellow animal lovers.




  1. well if your dog is going to be a s'more then make the other dog a glass of milk. or some other things to do are salt and pepper, plug and cored, or my favorite, hot dog and a hamburger

  2. A Marshmallow!!!

  3. a camp fire.. with logs on bottom and crinkly metallic frabric for fire on top.... i think that would be really cute and easy to put them as a couple

  4. Maybe you should stick to the sandwich/dessert theme. You can dress the other dog up as an oreo cookie, rice crispy, or an ice-cream sandwich! Good luck with the contest. I'd like to see the dogs i the costumes when your done...if that's possible.

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