
Dogs eating apples?? PLEASE HELP?

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Okay, while I was in the shower, my dog ate my breakfast from the table. It was an apple, me and my mother in law found a bunch of sites online that says if a dog eats the entire apple, then he could die. Seeds have cyanide and they cant digest the seeds like we could, there for they die of poison. I feel horrible, called the vet and finally realized they arent at lunch its Labor day! We live in germany So i called the only emergency vet number i have that speaks english, the lady answered and said no english call at 5 oclock, its almost 4 now. But i am freaking out. Im wondering if he will be okay because it was only one apple? He went to the bathroom once since then but seeds that i saw.I'm so worried right now, does anyone know anything about the quantitiy it takes for them to die of cyanide poisoning??? i cant find anything on the site, and it was only one apple, but im not sure if it only take one. Please help.




  1. Ok don't panic!  The amount of toxins in one apple will not harm your dog.  The seeds do contain some tract amounts of Cyndie but a dog would have to eat a great deal for them to become very sick.  

    If anything your dog may get the runs from eating a whole apple not much else!  

    I hope this helps!

  2. How big is the dog?  I know plenty of average sized dogs who've eaten the odd apple core and lived to tell the tale with no vet care so I'd guess that it'd take more than one to kill a dog.  

    Can't find anything online except that apple seeds contain cyanide though so keep trying your vets and check with them.

  3. my dog ate and apple off the table as well and everything turned out fine when we went to the vets it may depend on the dog type though

  4. If your dog has not started to exhibit any issues yet, you are probably fine.  Just watch for vomiting, diarrhea, non-attentiveness (lack of energy), etc.  Just like with grapes, it can, but usually takes a lot more than 1 or a build up of the toxins over time.

    Also, you will probably not see the seeds until tomorrow as it does take time to make their way through the digestive system...

  5. first, take the computer away from your mother in law, she shouldn't be browsing, tell her to go play croquet in the yard

    a single apple, if the seeds were ingested might cause mild sickness, but it certainly isnt enough to kill your dog dont worry, itll be fine.

  6. I think your dog will be just fine- at the very worst, your dog may have a "loose" bowel movement or vomit. Take him to the park for a good run (that should help move his digestive process along).

    You'd be surprised what dogs eat -  and suffer no ill effects at all. That being said, take a little more care in the future... and keep an eye on your hound.  Have a good Labor Day!

  7. an apple a day keeps the doctor away

  8. They can eat apples, I give my dog them all the time. Just NOT apple seeds.

  9. My Labrador eats apples all the time  

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