
Doing something worthwhile.?

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Currently im a 14 year old student.

I feel like a robot.

I feel like I have a routine every day.

I wake up.

Go to school.

Eat lunch

Come back home.


Go to the gym.


Walk the dog.

Clean my parents cars.

Do homework.

By then it's around 6:00-7:00pm.

I always go on myspace or youtube.

I want to do something worthwhile besides working out.

Something that I will gain from.

Suggest stuff for me.

Meditation or something.

I like that kind of stuff.

I'm a deep thinker




  1. wow you said it meditation will do wonders for you.That is such a good idea.

    I would suggest finging one that you like, the simplest one is the breathing one:

    there are other kinds of meditation but this is the simplest one. Quieten your mind, be still & you'll be guided.

    simple works.

    PS. I also agree, volunteering is great, helping others will help you also. A great sage said: Hands that help are holier than hands that pray.

    u could also read books on metaphysics or spirituality. If you'r a deep think er like me, u'll love them. I can suggest a few if you are intersted.

  2. I think u should join a sports team or a club sponsered by ur school, it gives u the oppertunity to meet new friends while having a good time and getting excercise! I also agree with everyone else since u enjoy meditation and deep thinking, reading is great for you.

  3. How about if you read?  Cram as much information and experience into your growing mind as you can.

  4. What u r doing right now r worthwhile.What else u wanna do?

  5. Try reading a book.  Or starting a club at your school.  Or volunteering.  I don't see why you think meditating will be something 'worthwhile'.  Try helping people instead.  Get an EMT license.  Write a book.

  6. When you leave school, you will have the next 60+ years under *your* control.

    So start preparing for it now.  What do *you* want to do?


  7. If you volunteer, you may run across a field of study/career path that may interest you.

    Of course, you may find the same via meditation.

    I dig Astrology, Tarot etc., myself

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